We had a few days of strong winds, so pretty much just stayed on the boat.
Saw a max of around 28 knots, while waiting out a 3 day blow |
What to do while sitting on the boat: Watch movies, read books, surf internet and, make cookies of course. Kris is trying to eat a low carbohydrate diet, so tried a new cookie recipe.
Cookies got an "B+" for taste, but a "D" for looks |
Once the wind died, several of the boats that we were anchored with departed, and the next day even more, so we went from 15 boats to just two.
Us and "Como No" anchored in the Little Ragged cut |
We still had winds that were higher than 12 knots for most the time, so snorkeling was out, and beach walks were in. Rita on "Como No" collects perfume bottles that have washed up on the beach, for a project she does with the school where she works when at their land home. We walked the ocean side beaches searching for washed up goodies, but of course saw more than that.
This beach was pretty clean. The point ahead is named "Lovers Leap" |
The Limestone erosion makes for interesting landscapes |
To the left is a mangrove lagoon, to the right ocean beach, which we walked. You can see where Charm is anchored in the background. |
More scenery on the walk
Large termite nest. Did not see any active termites |
There are many goats on the islands. Every so often the locals will come and hunt, and kill a few to eat. They pretty much roam wild, and are generally afraid of humans, and will run off. We saw quite a few young goats. It is amazing how many there are, with the dry climate, they must get a lot of their water from the plants they eat, as there is no fresh water supply on the island, other than rain that would collect in pools.
Typical beach. You can see how much plastic, glass, and other debris floats ashore. Very sad |
Coast still has large waves coming in from the 3 day storm |
We took a walk up to Duncan town, the only town in the Jumentos and Ragged Island chain,
This was a restaurant in the past. Not open now, but they are hoping to open in the future |
Lots of goats |
The only grocery store. Maxine's is an institution here for the cruisers. Very nice and helpful lady. |
To get groceries here, you can order direct from Maxines, or also put an order in with a large grocery store in Nassau. You will be assigned a shopper, who will pull your groceries, and pack them in boxes (usually used boxes). Then the boxes are put on the "Captain C", which is a boat that will do deliveries to multiple islands. The "Captain C" can haul anything from simple boxes of groceries, to the new car you bought out to the islands. The "Captain C" delivers to Duncan town 3 times a month. You have to put your order in at least 2 weeks in advance, as it takes the "Captain C" from 6 to 8 days to get to the Raggeds from Nassau, depending on how much cargo and number of stops. We got one delivery of groceries this way.
They are trying to keep a population going in Duncan town, which is mostly supported by local fishing and lobstering. . Most all the catch gets frozen, and taken back to Nassau on the "Captain C". There is a small "lodge" that gets tourists in to go bonefishing. The lodge has a couple of rooms and a small restaurant - for the lodge guests. They are building a new multi-purpose building here, part school, part government, part hurricane shelter, and part living space for school teacher.
Multi purpose building still under construction |
Other than beach and town walks, have been doing nothing. Just relaxing and enjoying the scenery.
"Como No" left yesterday, so we have the anchorage all to ourselves. It is nice. Only noise is sound of wind, occasional goat and bird. Nights are clear, and the sky is filled with more stars than most people see in a lifetime. The Milky way is clear and bright. We have good books, internet, plenty of food. What more could we want.
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