Sunday, June 26, 2022

2022-06-25 Another boatyard, moving north, and then south

 After another trip into town in Annapolis for groceries we decided to head out.

Third time at McDonalds in 6 days - enough for now

Sunday, June 19, 2022

2022-06-18 Moving north - checking out boatyards - attack of the flies

Been a busy week, and unfortunately, we were quite lax on taking photos.

Left Norfolk last Sunday, and headed north, having quite a nice sail most of the 43 miles up to Deltaville.  Had to motor last 3 miles, and wind dropped to under 3 knots.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

2022-06-12 Leaving the dock, travelling north, Harborfest show in Norfolk

We left the dock after our last packages came in on Monday.  Docks are sticky things - they are convenient, and sometimes hard to pull away from.  

Leaving dock.  Sojourn and What If still at dock.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

2022-06-04 Still at the dock - more projects - and laundry

Well, we are still here in Oriental at our friends dock.  Have spent a busy week doing projects.   It can be frustrating to work for 3 days on a single project, and when it is done, you have nothing visible to show for it, but that is how it has been going.

We ran new wiring from our engine rooms to our battery cabinet.  We upsized the wire, as we are wanting our engine alternators to charge our lithium battery bank directly.  This means more amps coming in when running the engines, which means bigger wires needed.  The wiring for starboard and port are done, but unfortunately our port alternator did not arrive yet, so we will finish the last bit of the project later.