Monday, December 20, 2021

Waiting on weather window

 We have been waiting on a good weather window to make an offshore jump of 50 miles further south.  Winds have been strong out of the East to Southeast - so not good.   Waves have been spectacular though, crashing on the eastern beaches.

Lynyard Cay east side in strong East winds and swell

We did get to do a nice snorkel trip to Sandy Cay which is in the  Pelican Cay National Land and Sea Park.   We had some calm winds in the morning, so made a nice trip.

I have not used the camera since 2014, so still re-learning how to set it properly.  Will get better with time.

Had a nice beach walk, saw lots of turtles, but too fast to catch a photo.   The crab was not as fast.

Had a waterspout pass right in front of us at the anchorage.  You can see the "eye" of it in the photo.  Lots of noise, but winds only at 19 knots on the boat.

Looks like this Wednesday will be good for heading south.  Rest of today is rainy, and tomorrow still south winds and maybe rain.     Need to be in Nassau on the 24th for our niece's visit, so timing is looking good.


  1. So, if I read your post correctly, you can not keep up with a turtle. Maybe it is time to start doing cardio exercises.

  2. There are some fast turtles out here, remember the hare couldn't go faster either
