After our covid test came back negative, we left North Palm Beach, and had a relatively smooth motor across the gulf stream to arrive in the Bahamas at West End on Grand Bahama. Left at 5:30 at night, just as dark was settling in, and arrive at 6:00 next morning after motoring on one engine most the night. Got in a little too early, so had to slow down for about a 1/2 hour at the end and wait for daylight to enter the narrow channel.
Check in went well, and we left by 9:30 a.m. to head to Great Sale Cay. Nice to be back in the blue water.
Sailing from West End to Great Sale Cay |
Must have picked up a passenger when we stopped at the dock at West End. Found a little guy hiding under a pillow in the cockpit. We took him ashore at Great Sale Cay.
Woke up on the 4th (Happy Birthday Kris) and the water was flat calm. Broke out the kayak, and went for good paddle.
One of three turtles I saw while kayaking. Color is off a bit |
Saw two large rays as well, plus lots a fish and small shark |
Lots of fish at sunken root ball in about 8' of water. |
After a few days at Great Sale Cay, we sailed over to Allans/Pensacola Cay. Within 1/2 an hour of dropping the hook, we had visitors. Two sharks, which were about 4-5' long, circled the boat for over an hour or more, After that it was took dark to see them, but either they stayed all night, or left and come back, because they are still here on the next day.
We took the dinghy ashore, and went for a quick walk to other side of island. Trail is in a bit of rough shape.
Trail is a bit overgrown. Rubbish is used to mark the trail. |
Not much of a beach on the ocean side. |
Relaxing and enjoying the view |
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