Saturday, October 2, 2021

Fly back for wedding, Dean alone on boat, sailing south

 We left Annapolis and headed north - only to be closer to Baltimore, as Kris was flying back to attend the wedding of our niece.

Kris had to leave the boat at 8:00 a.m., to catch and Uber ride to the airport.   Wouldn't you know it, the hardest rain we have seen since the last tropical storm hit arrived right as we needed to get the dinghy in the water and head in.  Kris was soaked, and left a puddle in the poor Uber drivers car, but made it safely to Boise, then enjoyed a 8 hour drive with Derek (our son) to Bozeman, Montana for the wedding.

The wedding was in a beautiful setting, and had food and dancing in the old barn on the property.

Kris got to see family, which was great.  She even wore a dress and custom colored a pair of old stained tennis shoes to match the dress.  That is about as dressy as we get these days.

Meanwhile back on the boat, Dean spent his time scrubbing and waxing the hull during the calm weather.   The hull looks great.

Kris was kind enough to bring back a souvenir shirt for Dean from his favorite restaurant in Bozeman.  Dean went to college there, and has fond memories of eating at the Pickle Barrel.

Derek was able to enjoy one of there very good very large sandwiches in person.

After Kris returned, it was definitely time to head south, as the weather was getting colder, so after a day of projects on the boat, cleaning, and changing the antifreeze and adjusting the alternator belt on the port engine, we were off.    60 mile the first day, 54 miles the second day, and only 20 on the third day.

Windy day on the Cheasapeake.

Now anchored in a nice little river off of Mobjack Bay.  Stopped to check out a boatyard, for possible hauling the boat in the spring, and enjoy a couple of days of sunny weather, before we continue south.

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