We took the bus to the big city of Wilmington, NC. Bus picked up really close to dinghy dock. Unfortunately, had to catch the 8:00 bus, so we were on a timetable, and the rain hit hard right about when we needed to get into the dinghy. Arrived at dinghy dock soaking wet. Oh Well. Made it to town OK, bus ride was good. Went to a Lowes, JoAnn fabrics, and Bed Bath and Beyond. We were going to grab lunch at a Wendy's and then catch the bus back, but Wendy's was short staffed, and the dining room was not open. Being the cheap people we are, we did not want to pay for any of the other close restaurants - but we were in luck. A Sam's club was nearby.
Under the pretense of "checking out the place to see if we wanted memberships" we went in, browsed the store, and then had a nice lunch of a slice of pizza and soda each for a grand total of $5.35. Now that is our kind of lunch.
We were early to catch the bus back, but there was a nice waiting area.
We left Carolina Beach early in the morning to catch the tide. We were only going to go about 40 miles, but ended up going 70, as the tides were favorable, and the day was nice. Made for a very long day. Stopped about 7:00, just as the sun set at the Waccamaw River for the night.
Below are some photos along the way.
Tight fit with us in a narrow channel |
Fancy house
Can barely see the homes, but the docks come a long way out to the ICW
Sitting a little low in the water
Needs a little TLC, but location location location
Now that's a long dock walk
Big ship ahead is a casino
Getting into a more rural area
 | Always sad to see
Some very pretty sections, with no homes
Not sure what this is. Next to an airport
Poor people, barely enough room for 20

The morning on the Waccamaw river was cold. Got up around 7:00 and headed out.
Mist on the water in the morning |
Suns coming up |
Pretty scenery |
We filled up with fuel and are now anchored in Georgetown, South Carolina. Will explore town and do projects for the next few days, and then head further south. It is going to be a cold week, so send us warm thoughts.
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