Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024-09-29 Another week at it.

We are still in Boise, still working on Derek's rental.   It is amazing sometimes how long doing all the little trim jobs can take.  Repeated trips to the Home Depot to get items.  We are trying to do the work as economically as possible, which also adds time.  

Derek had to fly out Monday to Louisiana, which is where his company office is.  He goes out once a year for a get-together.   So with Derek gone, Dean and I thought we would have a relaxing week, but that was not to be.

Huckleberry milkshakes for dinner - start to a relaxing week

The contractor showed up on Tuesday, to finish all his work - but was not expecting us to be moved in and thought we were just moving stuff to the garage.  Since the homeowner told us to move in, we did not feel we did anything wrong.   The contractor said he was hyper allergic to cats, so after dropping off some bath cabinets - he drove away - never to be seen again.   Good riddance.   That means several projects he was supposed to finish are not done.  We talked to the homeowner, and he was happy we were there to finish the jobs.  Just more work for us - but we don't mind - at least it will get done properly.

We unpacked the cabinets the contractor brought, only to find they were wrong, so a half day gone looking at alternate plans, and best recovery options.   Found a $20 used pedestal sink, and Dean installed that, so Derek's roommate could have a bath sink until new cabinets arrive.

The contractor said all the outlets and bathrooms were controlled on one bathroom GFCI - wrong, so Kris installed a new one in the kitchen.

The homeowner also brought over a new microwave, so Dean helped to install that as well

New microwave installed.

Derek has a bit of lawn to mow, so Dean scoured the used market, and found an electric mower in great shape, which we went and purchased.

Dean mowing the lawn with the new mower - it works great.

Kris finished up the pocket door.  Saving money means some things take longer - like recessing the pocket door latch into the door with a utility knife, instead of spending money on things like a router, or chisel set.  Took three times longer to do the job, but got in done, and saved some cash for Derek.

Kris cut all the molding and trim around the new pocket door with a hand saw miter box.  Since now, she has to do the kitchen baseboard which is taller, she put her foot down, and we borrowed a chop saw, so the next trim project will go quicker.

Weather has been nice, so eating lunch on the back patio has been a daily activity.  Derek's indoor cat Smokey as joined up, and enjoys prowling in the yard.

Lots of outdoor smells.

Kris spent a bit of time cleaning up and organizing the garage, so now Derek can park his car inside.  Dean and I both hate garages where no car can park inside.

Of course, we still have to get some fun time in.  We spent another afternoon with Dean's mom, running errands and having a nice lunch out.   Dean also helped out his brother move some items, as Dean's brother just sold their house, and are moving at the end of the month.   Too bad we will be gone by then, and not able to help.

Had dinner of Guido's New York style pizza one night.  Dean had fond memories of eating at Guidos when we lived in Boise.   Not everyone was a fan.
Guidos' pizza

We also worked on touch up paint needed in many areas, and helping fix the irrigation system, working on the leaky gutter, installing new outdoor lights and other small projects.   

Derek flew back late Thursday night, so then we had more work.   Derek really wants to do a lot of the work himself to learn, so that is great.  Once he was back we installed a video doorbell and security cameras, hung bath towel and toilet paper holders, installed a sink backsplash, installed a new kitchen sink and faucet, and hung paintings and curtains.

Also, more time with family, going out for a nice dinner with everyone.

Today will be kitchen baseboard molding, installing a ceiling projector and screen, and hopefully pulling new wire for an outdoor light.   That is the last of the big projects where two hands make easier work.   The rest of the projects, Derek can do in free time.

We fly out on Wednesday, so our time here is wrapping up.  


  1. You guys are so nice!! And skillful too of course.....hope your flights back are uneventful and you find the boat in good shape.

  2. Amazed at how much repairs and remodeling you guys have done for a Rental. The Homeowner must be super pleased to have Derek as a tenant. Good luck with finishing off and for your flight.

    1. The homeowner is his roommates parents, and yes they are happy. Giving Derek first month of rent off, plus some cash, and because of the family connection, his rent is much cheaper than a comparable place would cost. Also, Derek is a bit of a clean freak, so they know the place will be well taken care of.
