Sunday, October 6, 2024

024-10-6 End of a good visit - back to Trinidad and home on the hard

We spent a couple more days with Derek in Boise.   Worked on finishing up some small items, like kitchen molding, installing his new projector and screen in the "movie room", and other small items.

A last visit with Deans mom, and a quick visit with his brother, and our visit was at an end.   

Dean made a batch of cinnamon rolls before we left, for Derek to remember us by.

We also made a trip to Costco, as we had to pick up some needed boat supplies.

5 blocks of Tillamook cheese - Derek not keeping them, just helping to show them.

We left at 8:00 a.m. from Boise on Wednesday morning.  Short flight to LAX, that got in late, but luckily the next plane was parked two gates away.   We got off our first flight, and walked directly onto the next one, no layover at all.  Luckily, our luggage made it as well.

The next flight from LAX to Houston, TX was more interesting, as Kris had the window seat, but the third passenger in our row came with a large bag, and a small dog in a carrier.   She did not put the large bag in the overhead, and sat in the middle with bag below - that would not fit under the seat, and dog in carrier on lap.

Kris asked if she would rather have the window seat for more room, but then we found out she spoke little to no English.  Kris's rudimentary Spanish came in handy.  We got her to the window seat, where she settled in and immediately took the dog out.  The flight attendant came by a bit later, and told her she could not keep the luggage, and the dog had to go in the crate.   Since she did not understand, Dean and I got out of our seats, and the flight attendant manually moved her bag and got her to understand the dog had to stay in the crate.  Once airborne, she took the dog back out, and kept it under a blanket any time a flight attendant walked by.  The dog was well-behaved, so no issues, but a bit humorous.

Dog was not an issue, well-behaved

Had time for a nice lunch in Houston.
Deep in the heart of Texas

Next flight was great, three seats, but only us two, so got to spread out a bit.  Landed in Trinidad at 11:30 at night.  We had brought back a full bag of boat parts and food, and declared it all.  Just under $1000.  No issues with customs, and no charge, but had to go from airport directly to the customs office in Chaguaramas due to boat parts.
We had pre-arranged a taxi, so Ian was there with his wife to pick us up.   We got to Chaguaramas customs around 1:00 a.m. and the Customs folks were quite slow to wake up from the back room and come out, but they did, and all was good.  No issues, paperwork done.  Back to boat around 2:00 a.m., and had to make up the bed before we could sleep.  Did a boat check and very happy, no mold or issues inside at all.  It was warm, though, and humid.

1:00 a.m. and it is 83 inside the boat with 90% humidity

The next morning, we got busy starting to clean the boat.  It was filthy on the outside.

You can see a bit of the before and after on our louvers.  Lots of black dirt

The boat cleaned up well.  The only issue is our poor plant, which we left outside in the shade, in an area we hoped would get a bit of rain.   Don't think it got any rain.
Looking a bit sad.  Hope it will come back.

We got our A/C unit installed around noon, so we were able to go in and cool off.  Dean started working on buffing and waxing topsides, and Kris helped a bit.   Stopped early for the day, as we were both tired, and went to the small local store and got some provisions to make dinner.   

Next day we headed into the town on the bus, and got more groceries and the major grocery store, then back to the boat.  Dean worked outside buffing the hull, sweating in the heat, and Kris started on the engine, which needed a new rear seal between the flywheel and engine.   Had to pull the engine forward a couple of feet to access it.  Luckily, was able to scrounge some old boards from the marina to support the engine to move it.
Kris down in the engine compartment.

The flywheel and casing are very heavy, so Dean had to assist with part of the work.

Kris has a bit more engine work - putting the starboard engine back together a bit more, and maintenance on the port engine.  Dean has been a buffing maniac - which is no small feat in the heat and humidity.  We have marked out a new higher waterline, so next is working on that, then bottom paint.  Should be another week in the yard, and then we will see how far along we are.


  1. Looks like you had great visits in Idaho. Seems like nonstop working wherever you are. Glad you have an AC unit to keep you a bit cooler. Sleeping in a sweat bath is no fun! Monica

  2. Funny story about the lady on the plane with the dog.....glad the only casualty was the plant and that you had a nice long break from the heat/humidity. What are your plans? Did you get your phone/computer all sorted while you were stateside?

  3. Glad you’re back to Charm safely, and she’s safe. Work on the hard in Trini is hard, heat brutal. My thoughts are with Dean, working outside. Hope the next week goes well 🤞🤞
