Sunday, September 8, 2024

2024-09-08 Some more time in Bend, helping Derek fix up the new place

We spend a few more days in Bend.  Most the projects done, so played quite a few card games with Kris's folks, went for a few morning walks, and spent some time enjoying the weather and peacefulness of the back patio.    Kris and her Dad made a dump run as well.

Cute little bunny, we saw one on almost every morning walk

The view from the back patio

Getting the truck and trailer ready to make a run to the dump.

After Kris went to her parents annual doctors appointment on Thursday morning, we left and drove the 5.5 hours back to Boise.

Derek's new rental is being remodeled inside.  Derek wanted to get in while it was under remodel, and run Cat6 cable for his internet.  Being he works remote as a coder, the internet quality is very important to him, and he wanted to wire several rooms. 

In addition, the outside landscaping was quite overgrown, so he wanted to tear out all the old stuff, and start new.    We stupidly offered to help.

Overgrown arborvitae crowding the house, and weed taken over the walkway beds.

Dean tackled going on the roof to start cutting back the arborvitae, while Kris and Derek started on the ground pulling out old weeds and overgrown shrubs.

Kris and Derek working on cleaning out the courtyard planter

Arborvitae cut down a bit, and sidewalk beds cleaned out ready for planting

We still have more work on the planter areas, but it is getting better.    Derek wanted to run his Cat6 lines, so Derek and Dean tackled that today, while Kris continued working outside.

Derek getting ready to go in the attic to run cable.

The attic turned out to be too tight to crawl to the areas he needed to access, so change of plans, and Derek headed under the house, while Dean cut holes in drywall and used a flexible drill extender to drill down.

Derek laying on his back in the crawl space under the house.  His old hard hat came in handy.

We have a few more days of work to do, and Derek is going to see if the landlord is OK with installing a pocket door to the bathroom, which we would do the labor on.
The landscape still needs work - maybe another three days on that before its ready to plant new stuff.

The interior remodel should be done in another week or so, and then we can help him move in.

Great view from the back yard of the new place.

All this hard work is really cutting into our napping and relaxing time, but we are still managing to squeeze in a bit.

Dean taking a short nap with Derek's cat Smokey.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so helpful!!! Love the views from both Kris's folks and Derek's new place! He's going to have a nice place! How's the car doing?
