Nothing much going on. Dean goes in to the beach in the morning to play volleyball. Started in the afternoon, but found that a more competitive group with better skills plays in the morning, so that is where Dean heads now.
A little practice waiting for more folks to form up teams |
Kris not into volleyball, so each morning she heads out on one of the many trails. Some trails are rougher than others - lots of rock and hills, and others are quite flat and easy. Long barefoot beach walks are always good as well. Lots of pictures from the trails below.
Rougher trails up on the hill, where you are walking in scrub brush and rough rocks |
Nice view of rocky shoreline |
Rock stacks are trail marks on the hill tops |
Lower trails, thicker taller brush and flat walking |
Some swampy areas - but nice rock stepping stones |
I think this is a poisonwood tree - don't get the sap on you |
Lots of close palms on trail. Have to duck and weave a bit to avoid the fronds |
Found this guy on the beach walk - glad I did not step on it. |
Nice view of the very busy anchorage from the hill top |
Nice beach walk |
Lots of these little guys cause rustling in the leaves as you walk by |
We did go into town and had a lunch out - wasn't worth it. $40 for a burger, fries and coke for two people, and it took about an HOUR from when we ordered, until the food arrived.
Waiting for food |
Yes, that is a $15 dollar burger and fries |
Did a separate trip to fill our propane. Long line of folks with their bottles waiting for their turn at back of propane truck.
In line with bottles, waiting for a fill. |
Georgetown Cruisers regatta starts this week. It is a couple of weeks of fun races, goofy activities, and events. Haven't decided how much longer we will stay here - depends on if Dean wants to play in the volleyball competition.
Outboards, love them or buy new one? Our Honda outboard works well and then it doesn't and it becomes frustrating. We have run a good year without any issues but in George Town we have had some issues. The carburetor has been removed 3 times but it still isn't working as reliable as we want. Once it is running - it runs - but getting it started can be difficult. And it dies when at idle frequently. Kris is more ready to dump it than Dean, but new engines are very expensive so it is a hard decision to keep or not.
Awww, sorry your Valentine's lunch was not spectacular....and sorry to hear that the outboard issues have returned...thought those were sorted out. Looks like you're having a relaxing time there. We're still at Hog but will probably move somewhere else today or tomorrow.