We had a uneventful sail north, with a couple of changes of plans. We had planned on sailing to George Town via Flamingo Cay, and then Water Cay, and thru Hog Cay Cut - but the weather and mostly waves decided differently for us. So instead about an hour out of Flamingo Cay - plans changed and we headed to the north end of Exuma Island, anchored for the night, and then headed southeast back into Georgetown. We sailed most the way - so that was nice. Coming into George Town, clouds formed - and we got a brief squall - always pleasant to anchor in.
You can clearly see the front line of clouds of the squall |
We anchored just fine, and the sun came out when the squall passed. We went to town to get groceries - mostly fruit and veg - but the stocking boat was late - so nothing to get.
Next day Dean went to play volleyball on the beach, and Kris braved the 5 mile round trip loop to get groceries. Got some lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and apples - woo hoo!. Cruisers in the Bahamas get excited over fresh produce.
Next day was more volleyball and Kris hiking. There are over 300 boats anchored here, so there is daily volleyball on the beach, water aerobics, yoga, domino games and more. Dean enjoys volleyball most the time, but Kris likes to hike the many trails around the island.
Gathering at the beach, volleyball is in the background. You can see - lots of folks |
Pile of conch shells on the beach from shack that sells conch salad - That's a lot of conch |
Not many folks on the ocean beach side - Kris's walks have been very quiet of people
View of the southern part of anchorage - this is only a few of the boats here. |
We received disappointing news - we had come to George Town, as Derek was going to fly in and spend 10 days with us. 5 days before coming in, he dug out his passport and found it was expired. He felt foolish - but looking at all the alternatives of how he could get a quick passport renewal - nothing was great, and all were expensive - the decision was made to postpone the visit. We were all bummed out.
View of the anchorage at night, - those are not stars, or land, or buildings, just lots of anchor lights. |
We did have a Manta catamaran get together night, and had a nice visit with the folks on Indie II (Manta 38 - hull #5), HeiHei ReRe (Manta 42), Lady J (Manta 40- with extensions to a 42) and Sea Seeker (Manta 42) - sorry forgot to bring the camera.
You can see that Indie II is similar to our Manta, but quite a few differences as well. Indie is hull #5 made in Canada, before the Manta's came to the U.S. and were made in production. |
So now we don't have any plans or schedules - just to hang out. There is a front passing through right now, so we are anchored in a small protected bay called Goat Cay with about 10 other boats, and once the winds go back to to the normal easterly direction we will anchor again, and most likely spend a week or more here in George Town before heading out.
So sorry Derek's trip got postponed.
ReplyDeleteYes, bummer about Derek's trip!! Georgetown looks crazy crowded. Glad your walks didn't have any naked fellows this year!