It has been a hot week.
We left Montauk lake, and motored over to Sag Harbor.
Leaving Lake Montauk |
Coast Guard station at Lake Montauk entrance |
Lake Montauk fishing boats and marina |
Sag Harbor was one of those place names that Kris had heard of for a long time. We were a bit disappointed in it for a couple of reasons. There were lots of large mega yachts in the anchorage, but the anchorage was constantly rolly from boat wakes. No speed limit, so boats going fast in the channel, and they had a blocked off area between the anchorage area and the beach for waterskiing, so we got boat wakes from both sides all day.
Unique power boat leaving Sag Harbor as we came in |
A lot of the boats in Sag Harbor were large power boats like this one at 100 to 200' |
Did see this catamaran - around 75' long. |
We went to town and walked around, but it was touristy, but lacking some of the charm of other places, but did have some nice homes out of the touristy area and we we saw some nice boats, and had a nice ice cream cone. When in town we enjoy some aimless wandering - you see some of the neatest things that way.
Sag Harbor visitors center |
Nice home in Sag Harbor - owned by Charlie Edison - son of Thomas Edison |
Museum - we did not go inside |
Graveyard has seen better days |
Interesting old building |
If you have ever built fence, you can appreciate the work that went into this one. |
Just another nice looking home. |
Enjoying ice cream at the end of wandering about town. |
One day in Sag Harbor experiencing the constant chop and roll in the anchorage was enough for us. The night was peaceful, but next morning we made a short 9 mile trip up to Orient harbor and anchored behind Long Beach. Enjoyed a rainy day, and a nice flat calm anchorage, just relaxing on the boat. It was a chilly day, with the temperature never getting above 77 inside the boat.
The next morning, a nice breeze came up, so we decided to sail across Long Island Sound to Old Saybrook. If you look at the spot track you can really tell when we are sailing against the wind, all the tacks.
Nice lighthouse at Long Beach Point, leaving Orient Harbor.
We had wind for about half the trip, then the wind died, so motored the last couple of hours.
We have been to Old Saybrook many times. They offer a free mooring for 72 hours. They also have a Walmart and nice grocery store nearby. In addition, a Amazon locker for shipping items is close by. This trip was special, as our good friend John was kind enough to pick us up and drive us to Defender Industries. For those of you who don't know about Defender Industries - it is a large marine supply company - with good prices.
We decided that we needed to replace our chain, and Defender had the best prices. John was kind enough to drive us there, and haul 150' of new chain, plus 4 gallons of bottom paint in his car. We stopped for a nice breakfast on the way there, and he also took us to the Amazon locker. Can't begin to tell you how much we appreciated John's generosity in doing this, as our only other option to get the chain and paint was to pay over $300 in shipping fees to have it shipped to where we will haul the boat.
We got a couple of exciting items from Amazon - Deans new phone and a new Multimeter that could measure amps as well - as Kris's old one died.
New phone
New multimeter
Old Saybrook harbor |
Huge school of fish (menhaden) in Old Saybrook harbor |
Hot Osprey looking for his next meal |
John took us back to our boat, and we swapped the chain. It was very hot, with temps in the 90's, Sorry did not get any photos of the old and new chain. After swapping the chain we walked into town as another Amazon shipment had arrived |
Bringing back more goodies to the boat |
Downtown Old Saybrook |
Saw this bunny on the walk - lots of bunny's this year |
Downtown Old Saybrook, nice flowers and scenic church. |
Later that night, we got to go out for a nice Dinner with John and his wife Connie.
John and Connie - super nice people. |
Next day, time to head out again, as our 72 hours on the free mooring ball were up. We sailed over to the Thimble Islands. They are quite scenic, but the anchorage area is limited, and when the tide was going out, we got a pretty good swell rocking us, which made sleeping uncomfortable for about 4 hours of the night.
Thimble Islands anchorage. |
One night at the Thimble Islands, and then sailed and motored for a couple hours when the wind died over to Port Jefferson. Took the dink in, and got a sandwich for dinner from the Se-Port Deli. Have been here a few times.
Se-Port Deli, with their huge menu along the wall |
Today we should have good winds to sail to Port Washington
I've enjoyed reading about your travels. Rolly anchorages suck for sure though. Glad it's cool there sometimes. Hot hot hot here!