Saturday, November 21, 2020

New Floor step 2

We found the teak and holly plywood at World Panel Products, their office is in Florida but they happen to have a warehouse 2 hours away at Windsor, NC.  I needed three sheets of 4 x 8, that I would cut to pattern for the floor.   The marina here was concerned on me cutting wood and creating a lot of sawdust on the boat, so an alternative needed to be found.   I asked World Panel Products in NC if  they had space where I could cut to my template.   They said yes so off I went with my patterns, having a large flat area to work in sure beat working in the cockpit.

1st cut on the new teak and holly plywood

Nice large area to work in - much better than trying to do it in the cockpit.

I had anticipated the plywood would have factory edges of teak on one side and holly on the other.  Not the case, both edges had teak.  That's ok I have the patterns so I just adjusted my plan and was able to cut out 3 sheets of teak and holly with minimal issues.  Loaded them back into the "man van" and back to the boat.

templates and teak/holly in the back of the van

l kept the left over pieces of course.

Most of the cuts I made left extra material so when I started to fit it back in the boat I would have to sand off some of the edges.  The process was to put the  pieces in the boat, mark them for changes, re-sand them, test fit and probably sand again.  If I was a competent wood worker I probably would have just cut on the line and everything would have fit the first time.  Oh well at the end of the day they all fit in and looked good.

Looks good around the sink island

The main area looks good

Gluing the boards down went rather well, I used miscellaneous items to keep the edges held down as the glue was drying.  There are a couple of joint lines that I will fill in over the next couple of days but all in all it went fairly well, hope Kris likes the look.

Scientifically placed critical weight - not

Red protective paper until sealant is applied

Looked for what type of sealant to use and after a bit of research we settled on the Bona Mega satin wood floor finish.  Of course no one in the area carries it so will wait for Amazon delivery.  In the mean time have covered the floor with the red paper until we get a good finish on it, that will be step 3.

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