Today was planned for mast work like rigging, take off the 15 year old stuff and put the new supplied from Mack Sails. So up bright and early, it was even cold enough I had to wear jeans and a jacket, well at least until 10 ish. The first project was replacing the old mast head light with a new and improved model. Of course it isn't that easy, the old light only needed 2 wires and the new needs 3. No problem just pull the new wire using the old and voila you are ready to wire in the new light. 1 project down The old black light is just sitting on top of the new one.
On to the rigging; we had measured them on our last trip to the boat and then ordered from Mack Sails. Two boxes arrived and boy they look nice and shiny, new left, old right.

Figured I would start with the diamond stays, they are small and should be a piece of cake (maybe fruit cake). Took the old ones off, new ones went on but there seemed to be a bit of an issue when I went to tighten the new ones. They are 6" too long. Ok put the old ones back on just incase I can't get the new ones shortened and installed by Tuesday. Old left, new right
Well let's go for the Tides Sail track, it shouldn't be too hard. The boat had a Tides Track already and if you just look at the number at the base of the track they will send you one identical to the old one. Well the number had faded a bit but we squinted one eye and came up with the number. Installed the track and it was only 1" too long so out it came and I cut the inch off and reinstall. As you can see the new track looks much better than the old one.
Ok so back rolling on projects. Let's tackle the forestay next. Laid out the old forestay and the new one side by side just to make sure lengths were good. They looked very close to on the new one went. We are rolling now. Onto the shrouds, same thing measured against the old, they are close go and install. Well it can't go that smoothly, the ends of the new shrouds are 0.1 inches thicker than the old. The hole they go in is just big enough but I can't twist the shrouds into their new position, old on the left and new on the right. Ok lets try grinding slightly and in they go.
Now we have new standing rigging, new mast light, new Tides Track, the diamond stays are not upgraded yet, and it only took the day.
Not mentioned are the numerous times I walked from where the mast is to the boat for supplies or to give Kris a call and look at options. The cell service isn't great so at the mast there is no reception but 1/4 mile back at the boat there is. I know stop complaining I was still working on the boat and that is rewarding by itself.
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