Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024-09-29 Another week at it.

We are still in Boise, still working on Derek's rental.   It is amazing sometimes how long doing all the little trim jobs can take.  Repeated trips to the Home Depot to get items.  We are trying to do the work as economically as possible, which also adds time.  

Derek had to fly out Monday to Louisiana, which is where his company office is.  He goes out once a year for a get-together.   So with Derek gone, Dean and I thought we would have a relaxing week, but that was not to be.

Huckleberry milkshakes for dinner - start to a relaxing week

The contractor showed up on Tuesday, to finish all his work - but was not expecting us to be moved in and thought we were just moving stuff to the garage.  Since the homeowner told us to move in, we did not feel we did anything wrong.   The contractor said he was hyper allergic to cats, so after dropping off some bath cabinets - he drove away - never to be seen again.   Good riddance.   That means several projects he was supposed to finish are not done.  We talked to the homeowner, and he was happy we were there to finish the jobs.  Just more work for us - but we don't mind - at least it will get done properly.

We unpacked the cabinets the contractor brought, only to find they were wrong, so a half day gone looking at alternate plans, and best recovery options.   Found a $20 used pedestal sink, and Dean installed that, so Derek's roommate could have a bath sink until new cabinets arrive.

The contractor said all the outlets and bathrooms were controlled on one bathroom GFCI - wrong, so Kris installed a new one in the kitchen.

The homeowner also brought over a new microwave, so Dean helped to install that as well

New microwave installed.

Derek has a bit of lawn to mow, so Dean scoured the used market, and found an electric mower in great shape, which we went and purchased.

Dean mowing the lawn with the new mower - it works great.

Kris finished up the pocket door.  Saving money means some things take longer - like recessing the pocket door latch into the door with a utility knife, instead of spending money on things like a router, or chisel set.  Took three times longer to do the job, but got in done, and saved some cash for Derek.

Kris cut all the molding and trim around the new pocket door with a hand saw miter box.  Since now, she has to do the kitchen baseboard which is taller, she put her foot down, and we borrowed a chop saw, so the next trim project will go quicker.

Weather has been nice, so eating lunch on the back patio has been a daily activity.  Derek's indoor cat Smokey as joined up, and enjoys prowling in the yard.

Lots of outdoor smells.

Kris spent a bit of time cleaning up and organizing the garage, so now Derek can park his car inside.  Dean and I both hate garages where no car can park inside.

Of course, we still have to get some fun time in.  We spent another afternoon with Dean's mom, running errands and having a nice lunch out.   Dean also helped out his brother move some items, as Dean's brother just sold their house, and are moving at the end of the month.   Too bad we will be gone by then, and not able to help.

Had dinner of Guido's New York style pizza one night.  Dean had fond memories of eating at Guidos when we lived in Boise.   Not everyone was a fan.
Guidos' pizza

We also worked on touch up paint needed in many areas, and helping fix the irrigation system, working on the leaky gutter, installing new outdoor lights and other small projects.   

Derek flew back late Thursday night, so then we had more work.   Derek really wants to do a lot of the work himself to learn, so that is great.  Once he was back we installed a video doorbell and security cameras, hung bath towel and toilet paper holders, installed a sink backsplash, installed a new kitchen sink and faucet, and hung paintings and curtains.

Also, more time with family, going out for a nice dinner with everyone.

Today will be kitchen baseboard molding, installing a ceiling projector and screen, and hopefully pulling new wire for an outdoor light.   That is the last of the big projects where two hands make easier work.   The rest of the projects, Derek can do in free time.

We fly out on Wednesday, so our time here is wrapping up.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

2024-09-22 Another week of work - Family get together.

We have had another week of work on Derek's rental.  Much slower pace this week.   

Mudding and taping drywall, and painting molding.   Can only do one coat, then back the next day for another coat, and repeat.

Derek and Kris stripping the old sealant from the shower

We have all the drywall done, and the molding painted, but waiting on the contractor to finish up, as he is supposed to be working in the bathroom as well.

Moved dishwasher from current house to new one.  Derek did a good job with parent supervision

We will just say it.  We have never had a worse experience with a contractor - nor seen such shoddy work.   To clarify, we have only hired two contractors in our experience remodeling 8 homes and 3 boats.  One to relocate the furnace, and one to do a lot of drywall work.   The drywall people were great - husband, wife team that only did jobs through word of mouth.  They were a bit odd, and we provided them a place to park their trailer, use our water, and fed them on occasion, but they did great work.

The furnace guy did not wire the furnace per code, so when we had our electrical work inspected, we pointed in out to the city inspector, and they had to come out and fix it.   

So limited experience with contractors, but a lot of experience with plumbing, electrical, drywall, painting, trim work, floor installation, etc., etc.    The contractor doing the work on Derek's rental does every job shoddy.  Layed new laminate floor over old vinyl, so floor is lumpy at transitions, and soft over the vinyl.  Paint streaks on doors and trim from putting white paint on brown doors, Kris is pretty sure he did some illegal wiring as well.

We talked to him about the flooring issue, as requested by the homeowner, and the contractor's story changed 4 times by our count.   Never seen someone sweat so much in a 60 degree temperature.  Pretty sure he was lying to our faces.

Anyway - somewhat of a frustrating week seeing the quality of work, and being able to do nothing about it without delaying the move in date, and causing the homeowner grief.  We might fix a few items once Derek moves in - time will tell.

Friday was a great day, and a bunch of Deans family all came to town for a belated birthday party for Deans Mom, who is now 90.  Great to see all the family.

Dean, Derek, Nita and Kris

Dean with his brother Lee, Lee's son Andrew and Dean's brother Terry


Saturday, we had an early breakfast with some of the family


Back to work on the duplex, as we needed to clean, install toilets, seal the shower, and hook up the Cat6 outlets for internet.   Busy day of work.

We are in Idaho, no surprise to see this personal vehicle.   Think the gun is for looks only

Sunday is move day, so another busy day, and poor Derek flies out on Monday for a work trip, and won't be back until Thursday - so he is hoping Kris puts his stuff away where he can find it. :)  Getting things moved into the new space, lots of moving and changing of the minds.

Needed a treat for all the moving, so went to a Dairy Queen.  Like their door handles.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

2024-09-15 More work on Derek's rental

This week has been mostly spent helping Derek do some remodeling on the new rental duplex.  His landlord (which is his roommates Dad), was agreeable to putting a pocket door between the bedroom and bathroom.   It was a open alcove with sink, and door to toilet and shower.   We took out the door between sink and toilet, and installed a pocket door between bedroom and sink.  

We think much nicer that you can close off the entire bathroom, versus always seeing the bathroom sink, and it gives more room in the toilet/shower area.

So we ripped out the framing, and part of the wall and got the pocket door frame installed on Monday, but then had to stop, as the contractors doing the rest of the house had priority for the work, so we only have evenings and weekends to work.

Working on pocket door installation

Kris painting the new door

Deans brother Lee came to the new rental, with his chainsaw, and kindly cut down the rest of the overgrown Arborvitae

Dean's brother Lee working on the stump
Derek working on some gutter maintenance, leak was dripping right in the walkway

During one of the trips to Home Depot for supplies, we had to haul a door, so Dean and Derek did that, while Kris took a walk in the very nice Nature preserve that Derek's rental backs up to.

Nature preserve with nice trails and ponds.

Of course we did have to take some time to enjoy ourselves as well.  Went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants

We still have lots of trim work to do, and more mudding and taping to finish the drywall. Then clean and reseal the shower, buy and install the new toilet, install new ceiling fan, and I think blinds and curtain rods as well.   Not too much, should not take more than a week, if we can get access to the rental in the evenings.   

We also spent a day with Dean's Mom, and took her on some errands, and stopped at the local home grown fruit stand for some yummy fruits.
Shopping at the fruit stand

It is getting to be fall here and the temperatures are dropping.   We have a small heater in our room, as the large minisplit that provides heat and A/C to our room is broken now, and not worth repairing.  
Expecting a high of only 60 on Tuesday - Kris is shivering just thinking of it.  

Weather for Boise Idaho for the coming week

As compared to Trinidad, where the high still feels like mid 90's most days.
Trinidad weather for the week.

Both Dean and Kris are losing their tans, now sunless for a whole month.  Kris most likely will be in long pants, and a jacket for the remainder of the visit.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

2024-09-08 Some more time in Bend, helping Derek fix up the new place

We spend a few more days in Bend.  Most the projects done, so played quite a few card games with Kris's folks, went for a few morning walks, and spent some time enjoying the weather and peacefulness of the back patio.    Kris and her Dad made a dump run as well.

Cute little bunny, we saw one on almost every morning walk

The view from the back patio

Getting the truck and trailer ready to make a run to the dump.

After Kris went to her parents annual doctors appointment on Thursday morning, we left and drove the 5.5 hours back to Boise.

Derek's new rental is being remodeled inside.  Derek wanted to get in while it was under remodel, and run Cat6 cable for his internet.  Being he works remote as a coder, the internet quality is very important to him, and he wanted to wire several rooms. 

In addition, the outside landscaping was quite overgrown, so he wanted to tear out all the old stuff, and start new.    We stupidly offered to help.

Overgrown arborvitae crowding the house, and weed taken over the walkway beds.

Dean tackled going on the roof to start cutting back the arborvitae, while Kris and Derek started on the ground pulling out old weeds and overgrown shrubs.

Kris and Derek working on cleaning out the courtyard planter

Arborvitae cut down a bit, and sidewalk beds cleaned out ready for planting

We still have more work on the planter areas, but it is getting better.    Derek wanted to run his Cat6 lines, so Derek and Dean tackled that today, while Kris continued working outside.

Derek getting ready to go in the attic to run cable.

The attic turned out to be too tight to crawl to the areas he needed to access, so change of plans, and Derek headed under the house, while Dean cut holes in drywall and used a flexible drill extender to drill down.

Derek laying on his back in the crawl space under the house.  His old hard hat came in handy.

We have a few more days of work to do, and Derek is going to see if the landlord is OK with installing a pocket door to the bathroom, which we would do the labor on.
The landscape still needs work - maybe another three days on that before its ready to plant new stuff.

The interior remodel should be done in another week or so, and then we can help him move in.

Great view from the back yard of the new place.

All this hard work is really cutting into our napping and relaxing time, but we are still managing to squeeze in a bit.

Dean taking a short nap with Derek's cat Smokey.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024-09-01 In Bend, Oregon helping and visiting Kris's parents

The weather in Bend has been nice, cools down below 50 every night, and up to mid 70s and higher during the day.  Very dry here and much much cooler than we are used to.  Feels strange to have multiple blankets on the bed, as we have used nothing but a sheet for over a year.

The week has been spent doing projects and visiting.   

Started with working on Norm's tractor which had a flat tire he wanted to put air in.   Couldn't do that because we had to move the tractor out of the shed, but it would not start.   Norm had a trickle charger on the battery, and Kris checked voltage and it read 12.6 volts.  Norm has had an issue with pack rats, who had chewed the tractor wiring before, so he assumed that this may have been the case again.  To sum it up, the starter, instrument panel, fuses, ignition switch, safety foot switch have all been thoroughly checked out on the tractor.   

To quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".  So yes, it was the battery the whole time, and with a new battery the little tractor fired right up, and we could move it out and fill up the tires.

Of course there was a stuck and corroded needle valve on one tire that needed attention, but that was quickly addressed.    

With the tractor project complete, it was time to mow the lawn.   Norm has a rather large reel mower, the kind large manicured lawns would use.   He has neither.  Under 2000 sq ft of rough lawn, but he likes the mower.

Complex reel mower with three independent reels to mow less than 2000 sq ft lawn.   Yes, hang your head and shake it in confusion 

After that it was back to the tractor to replace some worn hydraulic lines, which went smoothly.

During all this Dean has been helping off and on, but mostly staying with Kris's mom who has dementia and panics sometimes when she wakes up from a nap and doesn't know where anyone is at.  

Dean deserved and needed a break, so we left the folks at home and headed in for a nice lunch out at a small Mexican restaurant that has been in Bend for 25 years, same spot, virtually the same menu.  Los Jalapenos serves great food, and mostly Spanish is spoken inside.

Dean is holding up his fingers for 25, but sorry backwards.  Great food in a small little place.  

Next day was more projects.  Norm has a roof over the porch with corrugated PVC panels for shade, but a hail storm put several holes in them.   He was going to replace them, but at $37 each, we suggested a better fix, using waterproof tape to patch them up.  Removing and cleaning and patching the panels was a full day of work for us and Norm.

Holes in panels caused by hail.

Of course, while the ladders were out, the gutters needed cleaned as well.

After fixing the deck ceiling panels, we had to do a through cleaning of the deck, and also all the deck furniture.

While here, we have also taken over most the cooking and cleaning as well.

Kris cooking up a traditional family breakfast of Welsh Rarebit.

One thing Kris's mom Deedy still can somewhat do and enjoy is playing a card game called "Hand and Foot".  We have spent many hours doing that, although Deedy's vision is quite bad, so Kris has to read out the cards to her frequently.

With Norm's major projects done, it was time for Dean to tackle our new, but temporary car.  Kris had heard the brakes squeal a bit, and we noticed that one time had only 4 of the 5 lug nuts.   Dean took off all the tires and checked all brakes, but in the process two more wheel bolts sheared off, so we replaced three wheel bolts, and got new lug nuts for those.  Unfortunately the lug nuts at the auto stores were larger than the other ones on the car, so a quick trip to the local Les Schwab, where they gave us three of the correct sized lug nuts to match the rest of the tires.  They also checked the tires to tell us which battery in the Tire Pressure Sensors (TPS) were not working.   Found out 3 out of the 4 are not working and at $80 per tire to fix the light on the dash will stay on for low tire. There was no charge for all of this, but we donated the $14 we got from taking Norm and Deedy's cans and bottles to the recycling center.

dean hearst fixing a tire
Dean working on the brakes and wheels.

Les Schwab in Bend, nice newer store with friendly helpful people.

Most our "free" time has been relaxing on the deck, reading or playing cards.  

Norm and Deedy's cat Hershey, hanging out on the deck with us.

Deer walking down the street is not an uncommon site 

We will hang out until Thursday, so Kris can go to Norm and Deedy's doctor appointment, then head back to Boise