Sunday, August 18, 2024

2024-08-18 More boatyard work - flying to Boise - we bought a car?

We worked hard Sunday and Monday on boat projects.  Dean kept working on cleaning the boat hull above water line, sanding below, and getting off all the old brown water stain, and goop left over from our vinyl striping.

Kris got the props all clean and polished up, and gave the boat interior a wipe down with a vinegar and bleach to prevent mold.   Also changed the sail drive oil on both drives, and put some grease around the lower seals, so they would not dry out, or get a bunch of guck in them while the boat is sitting out for the next couple months.  Put a coat of primer on the sail drives as well, since it was down to bare aluminum in a few small spots after sanding, and did not want that unprotected either.

Monday night had a strong thunderstorm we barely noticed on the hard, but the winds were from the south.  When Kris "took a walk" around 2:00 in the morning to use the facilities, she noticed large waves crashing onto shore near the marina.   Dean got up around 5:00 a.m. and took some photos, the waves were about half the size as they were when Kris saw them.

Waves crashing on the dock

Southerly winds and waves are rare in Trinidad, usually only in a Tropical storm, but this was unusual.  The Powerboats marina and yard we are staying at, had some damage from hurricane Beryl, that they were repairing, and had just finished a large concrete pour, and building a small shack on the fuel dock, when the storm happened. Unfortunately a large fishing boat picked their new dock as the place to come to rest after its mooring broke during the storm, and did a lot of damage to the dock.

Fishing boat also took some damage, pounding up against dock.

New fuel dock shed was destroyed by bow of fishing boat.

Beautiful sunrise after the storm.

We had to walk back to Immigration on Tuesday,  To leave Trinidad, then come back not with the boat, we had to get a letter from the yard we were in, take the letter to Immigration, and then come back 48 hours later and pick up the stamped Immigration form that we will then show at the airport when flying back.  Trinidad loves their paperwork. 
We stopped and had a nice lunch out on the way back.  Dining out is cheap in Trinidad
Our two lunches, complete with sodas, Kris had grilled Mahi plate, and Dean a cheeseburger.  Total for entire meal with tip was $17 USD

We have been eating up all our fresh stuff.  Will keep the frig and freezer on while gone.  Down to two apples for evening meal before leaving.  Since the fridge was so empty, we put a beanbag inside to take up room and add insulation.

We had no issues getting to the airport - which is about an hour away from the boatyard.  Our taxi driver has been doing taxi runs for the yard for around 20 years.  He sang along with the radio playing old country songs re-vamped into a Caribbean style.   

Got to the airport a bit early, as we did not know what to expect from security and luggage check, so had time to kill in some very uncomfortable chairs.  Can't complain too much, as all flights were on time, and we made it from Trinidad, to Houston, with 4 hour layover, then to San Francisco, and then to Boise.  All flights were full, which was surprising.  We both froze in the airports and on the flights - Kris brought a pair of fuzzy socks to wear on the plane, and a sweatshirt, but still cold.  Dean wore his jacket as well - guess we are not used to air conditioning.

Derek picked us up from the airport and we stopped at McDonalds on the way to his house, Kris was very happy.  

Since we were going to be visiting land for 1.5 months, Dean thought buying a car would be a good option, so he had been bidding on a car at a local auto auction place and got a 2009 Subaru Forester for $2450.   With fees and sales tax and license and such it was around  $3,300 total.  Our hope was we could use it for the time we are back, and then have Dean's brother sell it.  It had a few issues, like the rear hatch would not open, no key fob for the electric doors, check engine light on, radio screen not working, and generally dirty.

dean hearst by forester
Dean putting the back hatch back together after fixing the latch

Dean set to work buying new fluids for all systems, filters and such.  When we got to Boise he cleaned the car, and started looking at fixing the issues.  Went to AutoZone, and got a free digital readout of the error codes for the check engine.  Exhaust issues or sensors was the only issue.  Kris found an exhaust leak, so some $10 goop from the auto parts store to fix that was pretty easy.  The rear hatch button took a trip to the junkyard and found a few wrecked cars.  An our or so later we came away with a new rear hatch button and a radio for $50.    Dean worked and put the new rear hatch button in, and that is fixed.  Ordered new key fob off Amazon, and Derek helped program that, so now that is working.   Still a bit stumped on the radio screen - but will get that figured out.  

We are staying with Derek, who is renting a house with a roommate.  The house is his roommates parents house, that is next to a highway, and has been bought by the state as they are doing a new highway overpass, and the house is in the way.  Derek is getting real cheap rent - and knew that it was only for 6 months -but a great way to save money for that amount of time, but has to be out by the end of August.  The house had a daycare in a converted garage, and that is where we are sleeping.  Nice big room with comfy mattress on the floor, and our own bathroom as well.

Our lodgings.  Boxes make good computer tables and clothes storage.

We have also spent some time visiting with Deans mom, and his brother Lee and wife Edie.

Has been interesting seeing how much the area has grown.  Huge new sporting goods store in town that Derek had not seen yet, so we did a bit of a look see.  If you ever come across a Scheels store it is worth a look.  Took us almost an hour to wander around.

Inside was a salt water aquarium with lots of coral and fish
3 post aquarium

There are also quite a few "photo opp" displays just for fun, which we took advantage of.   A small Ferris wheel,  a candy store, a small cafĂ©, a gun and ammo room that could supply a small army, and more balls, bats, frisbees, golf, shoes, boating, archery, fishing, camping and on and on.  

Rock mountain with stuffed wildlife

kris hearst derek hearst by bigfoot
Photo op with BigFoot

derek hearst by cougar
Photo op with Derek scared by the Cougar  (Derek's nickname as a baby was "Cougar Bait".  Long story)

dean hearst
Dean pointing out our location

dean hearst by mascot
What sporting goods store doesn't have a 6' tall Lego sculpture of the local college mascot?

Small Ferris wheel in middle of the store

We will work a bit more on the car, spend time with family, and take some nice long morning walks while it is cool in the morning - below 80 degrees.  Will stay with Derek until the end of the month, and help him move, then will head to Oregon to visit Kris's folks for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about the storm and the damage at the marina. I know that's tough on them! Your meal for $17US looks fabulous! Fun little car story - and your room at Derek's is just perfect. I bet you feel like you're in a stadium. and love the furniture!! And that store is crazy cool!
