Sunday, August 4, 2024

2024-08-04 Week of nothing

Not much this last week.   Did a bad job of taking photos as well.

We moved anchorages back to Mt. Hartman Bay, anchored a bit further out to get more breeze to fight the heat and humidity.

Kris took a shopping but into town for groceries and to buy some Damp Rid - which we will use on the boat while hauled out to try to keep mold to a minimum.

Hope 3 large buckets will keep the boat a bit dryer during the 1.5 months we will be gone

We cleaned the bottom of the boat - it needed it with quite a few small barnacles.   Kris did the Waterline to about 2' down, and Dean used the hookah to clean the rudders, props and keels, and stuff Kris could not reach.    

We both came out covered in amphodia

Took Kris 3 shampoos and about 5 gallons of water to get them all out of her hair.  They were also in our ears.  We had a nice swarm of fish under us the whole time we were cleaning, eating the critters we dislodged from the hull.

It is definitely time for new bottom paint, as it was only two weeks ago we cleaned the hull.  

We cleaned again, because on Tuesday, we get hauled out for our insurance survey, and are hoping we won't need to pay for a pressure wash for the surveyor to check the hulls.   

We both made bread to last for the next couple of weeks as well.  Kris is quite happy with her new recipe of bananas, applesauce, oats, whole wheat flour and walnuts.  Maybe she just likes pounding the walnuts.

Kris taking out her aggression on the walnuts

A dense filling breakfast bread

We took a sweaty walk to town, and got another bucket of Damp Rid, and hopefully our final grocery supply before we haul the boat and fly back to Boise on the 14th of August.

Dean did another snorkel trip, and was trying to clean some of the hull that is out of the water, underneath between the amas.   When the boat is hauled, this section of cleaning is hard, because you are always looking up, and get a sore neck.  He was hoping by floating on his back, he could get some done a bit easier.

Kris started cleaning out cabinets and wiping down walls and ceiling with bleach/vinegar.  This will help keep mold from growing while the boat is shut up for 1.5 months while we fly to Idaho.

We are trying to get the boat as dry, clean as possible before hauling.  Even got out the shop vac to get rid of the water in the bilge.  We had about a quart on port, mostly from Kris replacing the raw water lines and cleaning the raw water filter.  Usually this bilge is dry.

We had more water on starboard, and we remove the depth/speed transducer and clean it, and get a bit of water in from that.  Bilge pumps remove most all the water, but about 3 quarts can sit in our bilges the pumps can't remove.  Wish there was a economical bilge pump that could truly get all the water out.

On Tuesday we haul for our insurance survey, then Tuesday night we sail the 80 miles to Trinidad.  Wednesday we will check in and move to the dock for hauling out on Thursday.


  1. Ewwww, I hate those little critters. We've had similar critters at the dock in Oriental. Hope the haul out goes off without any drama.

  2. Good luck with the insurance haulout.

  3. Best for a great haul & survey🤞 and have fun in Idaho🥂 If you need a stop at Marine Liquidators on the way, we've got a spare bunk 😎
