Sunday, May 19, 2024

2024-05-19 Hiking on Terre-de-Haut, and visiting Saint-Francois

We took a great hike with our friends on Wanderlust, Melelana, and met new friends David and Kami off of MakaniKai.  The hike was up to the top of the 1013 ft. hill.   We decided to take the trail up, and the road back down, which is the way to do it.   The trail to scramble up is 4000 ft. long  which make the average angle of the climb about 26%.  The road down is longer, but not as steep.  Keep in mind that the temperature is around 85 degrees, but feels about 10 degrees warmer with the humidity around 70% to 80%.  We drink lots of water, and sweat a lot.

Lots of goats at the start of the trail - not too afraid of us

Starting the hike - yellow dots mark the trail - not too steep yet

Saw this little snake on the way - Terre-de-Haut racer

Clearly marked trail in yellow

Getting to be a bit of a steep climb

The last of the trail was quite steep, using hands a must, more of a crawl than walk

View of the anchorage from the top

At the top, we reached the Watchtower - built in about 1843

Inside the watchtower looking out

View of the main part of town in Terre-de-Haut

Took the road/path on the way down - much easier

A hungry and tired group ready to eat

We did a bit of snorkeling while there, and walked the main town as well.

One of the main streets in Terre-de-haut

Street with view of bay

No trip to town is complete without seeing the chickens

Stone church in Terre-de-haut

Of course the trip to town involved buying a baguette and some apple pastry.

Went for a snorkel, but like a lot of Caribbean, not very impressive.

Much of the bottom looked like this

Not impressive snorkeling

Surfaced near this dock, but the pelican liked the spot, and did not even move when my head popped out.

After a nice time in Terre-de-Haut, we sailed to the  southeast corner of Guadeloupe to the anchorage at Saint Francois.  Able to sail all but the last 2.5 hours of the 10 hour trip.  

Walked the town a bit, had a nice lunch and got provisions.

Anchorage at Saint Francois - shallow and a bit tight

Nice dinghy dock and marina

Typical street view - lots of cars

Mid downtown has a rotunda with lots of vendors selling tourist stuff, but lots of jams, sauces and spices

Spices for sale - lots of flavors, and fun to sample

Stopped at the large Carrefour market for provisions as well

Gelato makes for nice treat at end of hot day

Nice fruit and veg market in town

Delicious lunch - Tres Fromage Panini.  Dean got a nice burger as well.

We left Saint Francois and sailed to Marie Gallant.  There is a blues festival (Kool and the Gang were the head liners) going on this weekend, so the anchorage is quite full.  Could no longer get tickets to the festival - all sold out, so we will find something else to do and see a bit of the island.

Over 100 boats anchored due to the festival, normal probably more like 20.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kool and the Gang....that anchorage is dating itself!!! The hike looked fun and amazingly usually don't show perspective too well, but the one looking back to the anchorage nails it. Looks like you're having some nice warm fun down there!!
