Sunday, May 26, 2024

2024-05-26 Marie Gallant and Dominica

Tracy on Wanderlust and us headed into town in Marie Gallant, thinking to wander around, but noticed at the bus stop that they were running busses to the main town on Marie Gallant of Grand Bourg.  Busses are always a great way to see a bit of the country for cheap.

We kind of figured out the schedule, enough that we were pretty sure we could get a return bus.  None of us has very good French.  The bus took an inland route south, so it was nice to see the interior of the island.

Busy dinghy dock at Marie Gallant

Sunday, May 19, 2024

2024-05-19 Hiking on Terre-de-Haut, and visiting Saint-Francois

We took a great hike with our friends on Wanderlust, Melelana, and met new friends David and Kami off of MakaniKai.  The hike was up to the top of the 1013 ft. hill.   We decided to take the trail up, and the road back down, which is the way to do it.   The trail to scramble up is 4000 ft. long  which make the average angle of the climb about 26%.  The road down is longer, but not as steep.  Keep in mind that the temperature is around 85 degrees, but feels about 10 degrees warmer with the humidity around 70% to 80%.  We drink lots of water, and sweat a lot.

Lots of goats at the start of the trail - not too afraid of us

Sunday, May 12, 2024

2024-05-12 Week in Guadeloupe - Rain, hiking and snorkeling Jaques Cousteau Reserve

We had a good sail down from Antigua to Deshaies, Guadeloupe.  Calmish seas, and good winds.

Really stressful sailing 😀

Friday, May 10, 2024

2024-05-10 Visit to Botanical Gardens in Deshaies, Guadeloupe (bonus blog)

Went with our friends on Tracy on Wanderlust, David and Kim on Melelana and Shirley and Alan on Lattitude Adjustment to the Botanical Gardens in Deshaies on Guadeloupe.

After a very sweaty 1 mile walk all uphill to get there, we spent a hour wandering the gardens.  Very nice.  All the signage in French, so mostly wandering and enjoying.

Lots of photos below of botanical garden views.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

2024-05-05 Falmouth Harbor and Antigua Race Week

We stayed a couple more days in Jolly Harbor.  We went for a nice hike to the top of Pearns Hill.  It was a pretty steep climb, and we were breathing hard at the top.  A development is planned so it has signs for the lots, and paved roads.

Hard to see in the photo, but the road is probably a 40 degree incline.