Saturday, December 5, 2020

Closet Shelving

I admit it, I am a stacker.  I tend to put things in piles, I might move things from pile to pile but I tend to keep things in groups or stacks.  My wife tells me to just put things away but sometimes the stack is just short term storage and eventually everything does find a home.

On the boat the storage for clothes is limited compared to on land.  The amount of clothes needed on the boat is somewhat reduced from what is needed on land but it still is a challenge to get everything into it's spot.   One of the techniques we have used is to store many items in a zip lock bag and take the air out.  The clothes take less space and they do not get damp/moldy/mildew.

Jeans in a bag

T-shirts in a bag

The drawers we have are large enough for socks and underwear but for the rest of the items they need to fit into the closet, which is 4 feet tall, 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep.  Since I am a stacker and do not hang many items I decided to make some shelves on my half of the closet.  I now can "stack" on 3 shelves but I do have all my clothes reasonably organized and not looking half bad, my opinion.

Total of 4 drawers, 2 for Kris, 2 for Dean, 12" wide by 8" deep

One side of the closet (Kris's with nice hanging clothes) - of course she hasn't moved in yet.

My new shelves for stacking :)

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