Sunday, March 9, 2025

2025-03-09 More hikes on St. John, and over to St. Thomas

Our friends on Neil and Jenny on Lorikeet came into St. John, so we went on another hike up the Maria Hope trail with them.

Kris, Dean, Neil and Jenny


The next day we moved over to Cinnamon Bay, and hiked a new trail with Lorikeet around the Danish Sugar factory ruins - which was very interesting and had a fair number of informational signs.

Extensive ruins, nice paths and informational signs


Impressive rock work in the chimney
Puerto Rican crested anole (I think)

After the short educational hike, we headed up American Hill to the Great House ruins.   Fun hike with good views. 

Nicely maintained trail, lots of work making these stairs

House ruins on top of the hill
View of Francis bay and the island of Tortola from the top of the hill

Tuesday we set sail for St. Thomas, as it was the only day with winds for a while, and our refrigerator was looking pretty bare.  

In St. Thomas, it was a five cruise ship day on Wednesday - which meant long waits for buses, so we opted to do only shopping we could walk to.   Went to town and got groceries at the Pueblo market close to the dinghy dock, and then when we left the grocery store, it was dumping rain.  We hung out under the eaves for a while until the rain went to a drizzle, then started back. It started raining harder, so we ducked into Wendy's and shared a chocolate frosty until the rain stopped.

If you look close, you can see the rain pouring off the gutter


Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

One small and two large cruise ships

Wednesday night was rough, with a very lumpy anchorage all night.  Thursday was only a one cruise ship day, so we took the bus to the large grocery store in Titu Park mall, and then back to Cost U Less for more stuff.  We were back on the boat by 11:00, upped anchor and motored over to the anchorage on the west side by the airport to get out of the lumpy seas.  It worked, even though a swell was coming in, we were facing it so no issues. We went for a nice snorkel in the afternoon, just exploring the shore near the boat.  Our dream of a calm night was not to be as after dark, we turned sideways into the swell and had a very lumpy night again.  Oh well, a nice nap on Friday, followed by a nice snorkel and pizza for dinner made everything better.

Kris cleaned the waterline and props on Friday, and Dean enjoyed a nice swim as well.  The water is very clear here, with a sandy bottom.  Quite a few turtles and rays in the bay.    

Sunday Kris went for a kayak, as winds were light, and Dean went for another swim.   All in all, a very relaxing week with not a lot going on.

Found a lot of small brain corals during the snorkel, close to 20 of them in a small area

Trying out a selfie on the Kayak trip

Motor of large powerboat stuck on rocks in the water, the rest of the boat is on shore.

We will be here a couple more days, then head over to Culebra


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