Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025-02-23 Derek Visit, El Yunque

We went for a nice snorkel off of Punta Tamarindo Grande in Culebra.   Nice reef structures, lots of soft corals, sponges and structures.  Not a ton of fish.  Unfortunately, forgot the camera again.

Back to boat where we had anchored at the north side of Cayo de Luis Pena and jumped in for another small snorkel and enjoy the beach.   Derek grabbed the camera for this snorkel, and got some great close up photos, as he is good at going down around 12' deep for extended periods.

Derek is still a great snorkeler

After snorkeling decided that the reef was too close for overnight comfort, and a small swell had come in so we went back to Culebra and anchored in Ensenada Dakity.   In the morning, we worked on our water maker - replacing the pressure gauge and regulator.

Working on the water maker

Water maker seems to be working well now, although at a higher pressure than before, but don't know how accurate the gauge or water flow meter actually are.  After Derek was done with work for the day, we explored the bay via dingy, and walked the barrier reef a bit at low tide.     

Derek wishes we had the new dingy and engine when he was on the boat

Walking the small exposed reef area at low tide

Weird red balls on dead coral.  Any idea what it is?

Some wading involved.  Charm is anchored to the left of Derek 

Tuesday had a nice but lumpy sail over to mainland Puerto Rico, where we had a reservation at the Safe Harbor Puerto Del Rey marina.   Huge marina, but well-kept up and friendly people.   The marina is so large, they offer free golf cart rides to all tenants and guests of the marina to get from the parking and office to the docks.  We were reasonably close to the office, so we walked, until we had groceries to bring back, then we took the cart.   They don't let you drive the carts, so you are chauffeured, as the finger docks are barely wide enough for the cart, lined by power stands.  Too much risk to let anyone drive.

Golf cart pick up area, small carts for luggage and stuff they attach to the carts

View of marina.  

Dean and Derek gave the boat a nice scrub down with the $5 a day water.  Had a nice dinner from the local restaurant, which we ate back on the boat.

Enjoying another good meal.

Wednesday morning we headed up to the El Yunque Rain forest.   The only tropical rain forest in the United States.  Luckily we had a nice sunny day, with no rain, and clear of clouds.   Stopped at the visitor center first

Checking out the park map

Nice large visitor center

Short trails around the visitor center

Puerto Rico parrot - native to Puerto Rico but almost extinct

Then went up to the end of the road to hike the Mt. Britton Trail to the tower.  Good hike, went slow due to Kris's toe, but it was good to go slow on the way up.  Nice trail, but narrow, so always had to step to the side when passing or meeting people coming down.
Single file walkway

View from top of tower looking North-ish

View looking south-ish

Narrow stairs in the tower

Tower is not that tall, but on top of the peak

Did a couple more stops in El Yunque, seeing the tourist spots. But lots of people around.

El Bano Grande dam
derek hearst, dean hearst, kris hearst
Working on better selfies

Very pretty small creeks throughout the rain forest

Coco Falls

Very mossy tree trunks

Late lunch at McDonald's on the way back to the boat, where we indulged in long showers at the marina.

Derek flew out Thursday afternoon, so we went out for a nice lunch at Board riders Surf bar and grill just off of the beach at San Miguel.   

Beautiful tiled wall and walkway down to beach

Beach is very orange, but soft sand

Had some time before Derek needed to be at the airport, so went to Home Depot and got some stuff for boat projects, then took him to the airport.     

Had a great visit with Derek, really enjoyed the time with him.  After dropping him at the airport, we went to the Walmart Supercenter to do a big grocery stocking up, followed by a stop at a large Ralph's grocery.  We were tired, and it was late, so grabbed Subway on the way back for a late dinner.  Kris started a load of laundry, which we hung up before bed.

Friday we did not have to leave until 11, so took advantage of the water and power to do a couple more loads of laundry.  With the wind blowing from the stern, we hung them up in the cockpit, and they only took a couple of hours to dry.

We left the marina just before 11, and stopped and filled the diesel tanks at the fuel dock on the way out, then motored the 3 miles to Isla Pineros anchorage.  Saturday morning we explored the mangrove river - unexciting then decided to move, as lots of powerboats use the passage between Isla Pineros and the mainland, and we were getting quite a few large wakes, plus a slight swell was coming in.

Pretty mangrove river, but murky water and not many birds

Moved to Roosevelt Roads harbor and anchored near the entrance.  It was a mistake as the ferries come in and out, and every hour and a half or so, we get a rather large wake.  We will up anchor and move further in today to get out of the wake zone.


  1. Looks like a wonderful visit!! And your family selfie looks great. The rainforest pictures remind me a bit of Costa Rica. But we were a bit on the chilly side there - you guys look quite warm. Being in the marina with water sounds nice!

  2. It's great to see pictures of the three of you together. Sounds like you had a great time whilst Derek was visiting. I really enjoyed reading about your adventures and seeing the photos. (Mike sv Cotinga)
