Sunday, January 19, 2025

2025-01-19 St. Kitts - Rented car and drove the island

Well, we are still in St. Kitts.   Wanted to see the island again, and knew that if we stayed, we might get stuck for a couple of weeks due to weather, but were OK with that.

Took a nice walk to the west side of the island, where there was a small beach.  Walk was OK, but most of it is on the main road - which is never a great walk, especially since there is no shoulder and the cars go whizzing by quickly.

Small bay and beach on east side of St. Kitts (Sand Bank Bay)

Tuesday we went for another hike.  Looking on Google Maps, it looked like some old road we could use to hike to the top of the hill near the anchorage.   - Note to us - don't trust Google Maps.

We made it to the top of the hill, but following goat trails - we did find the road, but it was so overgrown it was hardly worth it.

Dean did find this little nest along the "trail"

Looking north, you can see Charm at anchor, and most of St. Kitts

The further along the "road" we went, the more overgrown.  It wasn't nice bushes, either.

Can you see the "road"?  These bushes are in the middle of it.

Quite prickly.

Dean took a misstep, and got some spines in his hand and foot.  Ouch.  Kris scouted up further ahead, but no good path to higher up found, so we gave up and headed back down.

In the trail back down, we stuck to grassy areas as much as we could.  Following goat trail.

Spotty rain on Wednesday, nothing much going on, but we did get a surprise visit from the St. Kitts coast guard.  Nice guys.  Just checking our paperwork and safety equipment.  Broke up an otherwise boring day.

St. Kitts coast guard

Cool to see both ends of the rainbow at the same time

Thursday, boat projects.  Defrosted the freezer, as it seemed to be running a bit much, shutting off and on too much.  Had a light on the refrigerator compressor warning of low power.  We don't have low power, so Kris dug into it, and found a couple of wires she did not like - so redid those.   Seemed to fix the issue.

Having the table removable easily sure makes it nicer to work

Friday was our big day.  Rented a car and drove around the island, stopping at some tourist spots.  We rented a Honda Grace.  It was a good car, but the Navigation system was all in Japanese, and several times during the trip it would talk to us in Japanese.  And several times a ding would sound.  Never figured out how to turn it off, so just lived with it.

Heading north on St. Kitts from our anchorage, you pass through a tunnel.  It was built due to dangerous rockfall.  Most of the south part of St. Kitts is all tourism based, with expensive homes and resorts.  This is the only road to get south, so the tunnel was built to protect the "rich" south in 2016.


We drove around the island starting on the east side, then around the north end and then the west side.  The East side is the "poorer" side of the island.  Buildings more run down, and roads narrow and twisty.

People park in the road, so often it is only a one lane road

The parked cars are actually in our lane, so had to go around them. 

Our first tourist stop was Brimstone Hill Fort.    This fort was built by the British by slave labor.  St Kitts was one of the first islands to be colonized by Europe.  It is an impressive fort due to location, and sheer size.

Upper part of fort on top of hill

Quite the steps to get up the hill

Looking down on armory

View to North, Sint Eustatius and Saba can be seen
Pretty much 360 protection from cannons on the fort
St. Kitts west coast

The barracks

The stone work is impressive

Parts of the fort still undergoing restoration

It covered a lot of the hillside

Made from a mix of volcanic rock and limestone.  The limestone shows interesting wear patterns from the rain and wind.

Dean is not happy about being enlisted.

You pass through several of these gateways on the way to and from the fort.  They are a bit tight.  We have a couple of feet on each side.  Can't imagine being a tour bus fitting through these.

The next stop was up some narrow roads to Romney Manor.

The chickens did not seem to be bothered by our car.  That is our tire, photo taken out of moving car.

Pretty sure we stopped here 34 years ago, and took our photos in front of this fan palm.
34 years ago in front of fan palm on Romney Manor.  Boy, we look young.  With our friends on the right, Kathy and Paul.

Same spot now.


The grounds are quite beautiful

Giant Saman tree is 400+ years old

We were going to go for a hike from here up into the rain forest a bit, but it was too cloudy, rainy, and we were running short on time.  Settled for a quick side trail.


Side trail.  Not sure what all the long stringy vines are from



Small stream along the trail       


The next stop was for groceries, as we figure we might be here for a couple of weeks waiting out weather.  We were quite hungry by then, but being as it was 3:00 it was too late for lunch and too early for dinner, so settled for some "fast food" at a pizza restaurant.

Surprisingly tasty pizza

Made it back to the boat before 5, which was when the car rental ended, so all was good.

The winds started on Saturday.  Around 18 knots with stronger gusts.  And this will continue for the rest of the week, so mostly boat time for this coming week.  


  1. Wow, you guys do look young in that photo in front of the fan! Funny shot of Dean with his head stuck thru the soldier plywood. I'll send you a similar photo of me in the exact spot - something about that one that required a silly face!! Nice tour, sorry about the prickly bushes - been there, done that several times.

  2. Nice seeing these photos. St Kitts is one of the few Caribbean islands we missed out on 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
