Sunday, July 21, 2024

2024-07-21 Please stand by - we are experiencing technical difficulties

Another hot humid week here in Grenada.  Maybe that is what causing our technical difficulties.   

Kris's phone had been acting up a bit.  some weird line at the top of the screen an occasional  flickering.  Not all  the time, just once and a while, so she has been "babying" the phone.

On Sunday, she got a screen that would not work at all.   She tried many things, including cooling the phone in the freezer.  She got it working enough that by repeated freezer trips, and charging and turning off and on, that she got it backed up, but could not get all photos off.

Then on Monday morning, spent most the morning on the phone (Deans) transferring Kris's number to Deans phone and putting Deans phone on hold.  We use Kris's number for most all our communication so it made sense.

Had a nice needed break Monday night, going to dinner with our friend Tracy off Wanderlust, and Kim and David from Melelana.  Both boats were lost in the hurricane.  They are doing well, still sad, but working on a positive look forward attitude.

On Wednesday we walked a nice 5 mile round trip loop up to the IGA food store that is in the Spice Island Mall.   Mall was nice and cool.  Kris needed to see a doctor (nothing serious) so combined that trip

Spice Island Mall

Long tiring hot walk, but some pretty trees in full bloom along the way

This tree full of blooms

Calabash tree with ripe calabash

Have we mentioned the  hill?  There is a hill we walk over to get anywhere from our anchorage.  I know the photo does not do it justice, you only see 1/3 of it, but trust us, its a killer, especially coming back with a backpack  full of food.
The first third of the hill, after the turn, it gets a bit steeper and just as long.

Have we mentioned that it is hot and humid?  Those long walks are killers.  Your body and clothes are wet with sweat at the end of the trip.  Especially walking inland without a strong wind.

Thursday we took the dink over for a nice lunch out and to see how the area around Clarkes Court has changed in the last 10 years.  We were shocked.  The anchorage had at least 4 times as many boats in it, and the old restaurant was gone, as was the entire hill where we used to watch cricket matches.

You can see in the background behind all the hauled boats the hill has been removed to make flat land.

Lots of hauled boats, and nice size marine chandlery

Huge travel lift.

Clarkes Court Bay and restaurant in 2003

Clarkes Court 2024

Walking around the boatyard , we saw a lot of really big boats, and lots of large catamarans.   Made us feel small.  The  picture of Clarkes Court 2024 shows lots of open space, right now the entire area is covered with boats, 250 to 270 all hauled out.

We  did have a nice lunch, and luckily our friends on In Cahoots were lunching as well, so we were able to sit with them and have a nice visit.

Back to boat to relax.  Kris started up here computer to do some stuff, and our 2nd technical failure occurred.  Her computer screen went from doing normal to having fine black lines all over it.  Rest of her day spent on putting in service request as her computer still under warranty, but of course being in Grenada, not much  we can do with it here.  So now thinking of heading back to the states early, but have to figure that out a bit still.

We had thought we might go on a hash on Saturday.  A hash is a walk/run though an area of the island followed by a "party" and dinner.   It allows you to see parts of the island you normally would not see, and to have a nice social time afterward.  We realized we did not have enough cash on hand to pay for the bus and dinner, so another 3 mile sweat fest to the bank and back.

We have been lucky on  the  walks - no rain, but that doesn't mean it hasn't rained.   We have been catching water every day - haven't ran the watermaker all week, and have done 2 loads of laundry, and still at 3/4 tank of water.

Water catch up and ready most every day this week.

We will be leaving Monday to host Tracy and take her up  to  Carriacou where we will see what is going on and check on Wanderlust, and progress pulling flipped and ruined boats out of the mangroves.

So today, is back to the grocery store to stock up, as no supplies available in Carriacou as the recovery from hurricane Beryl still going on.

1 comment:

  1. Well, bummer about the electronics!! I know it would be tough to lose either the computer or the phone....amazing how much we depend on them. Not the end of the world, but still a royal pain! I feel for you about the heat and humidity. We've been enjoying our air conditioning for the past couple of weeks for sure! Back to the boat(s) in the next couple of days though....
