Sunday, December 3, 2023

2023-12-3 Heading south, wrapping up projects

Due to the Thanksgiving weekend, we could not order our replacement engine parts for the one broken part until Monday, so paid to have overnight shipping (ouch).  Kris worked on finishing the cover for the outboard.  Dean worked on finishing the door trim for when we installed the washing machine.  Needed a sunny day where we could open all the hatches, and the smell of bondo and paint was quite strong.  

Can't tell now that we had to take off the door, trim, dig out old fill and sand down honeycomb to get the washer in.  All pretty again now.

Also replaced some rusty cable clamps on our steering quadrant. and added a hydrofoil to our outboard.

New hydrofoil for outboard.  Helps to get up on plane faster

Old rusty clamps on steering cables

New clamps, and steering cable lubed

Tuesday we went to town, got some groceries and stopped at the dive store and got another weight belt, as we only had one.  We received our parts for the engine on Tuesday and Kris had it back together quite quickly.  Running good now.   

That night we went to dinner with our friends Scott and Tina who used to own Sangaris and Robert and Lana from Sandbox.  One of the best parts of cruising is meeting up with friends, and one of the worst parts of cruising is always saying goodbye to them shortly after. 

Good looking group out having a nice dinner

Wednesday we left Vero, and stopped in Stuart to fill our diesel tanks, and then on to anchor for the night in Hobe sound.    Lots of sights to see on the trip down.

This racing trimaran has seen better days.  Broken mast destroyed a lot of the boat.

Left early the next morning, and went under the many bridges down to West Palm Beach.  

West Palm is a mix of mega yachts and cargo boat docks

We anchored south, near the downtown section of West Palm.  Lots of mega yachts and expensive homes.   Dean jumped into the water, as it was finally clear enough to have some visibility and scrubbed the hulls and replaced our zincs on the sail drives.  Unfortunately also quite the current, so rigged a line for him to hold onto while he scrubbed.   Hard work, but hopefully the results were worth it and we will be faster.

Dean holding on and scrubbing the hull

You can see before and after scrubbing.   Just a lot of slime but no barnacles, so that is good.

Our friends Monica and Jason on Breathe,  came in later in the day and anchored nearby.   Friday we went to town, and wandered around and had a nice lunch out with them.

Enjoying the art work in West Palm

Near the waterfront is a large park.  They have several sand sculptures that are worked on each evening.  Fun to see.

Center of park is largest sand sculpture of Christmas tree.   Still a work in progress

Spent some time goofing off - good fun

These were lit up for night, but still pretty in daytime.

We were not the only ones out enjoying the day.

Next day, back to town, as there is a very large farmers market.

We went early to avoid most the crowd.

A surprising amount of produce - but expensive

Lots of arts and crafts as well.

Bought some goodies at the market, but then went to the grocery for a final stock up before heading to Bahamas.  

Dean stayed up late to watch for for the Starlink rocket launch.

You can see the orange glow in the sky - that's the rocket.

We will leave tonight to motor sail to the Bahamas.  Unfortunately winds will be lighter than desired, but should be a calm trip.  


  1. Fair winds for an smooth crossing tonight

  2. Bon voyage and early Happy Birthday! Love you sis!

  3. Wow that slime photo is amazing! I bet Dean was worn out doing that with a current!! At least the current probably whisked the detritus away. Glad you’re moving again and hope to see you soon! (Karen)
