Change of plans, so we left Sunday night from Cocoa Beach, FL to head offshore. Joined by our current buddy boat Breathe, and a nice surprise Indie II, a Manta 38 we met in Georgetown Bahamaswas in Cocoa when we arrived, and decided to join us for part of the offshore trip, as they were heading to Charleston, but we wanted to make it further. This would be the longest offshore for both boats, so they were both keen on travelling as a group.
We motored from Cocoa Beach up to Cape Canaveral, through the locks, under the bridge and out into the briny blue.
Indie II in front, then Breathe, then us.
Quite a bumpy trip out, directly into the wind for 7 miles or so, then we were able to turn north and start sailing. Seas were not too large, but a bit confused, so a little lumpy, but had calmed down by the morning. As we try to do on overnight trips - a nice morning treat always helps.
Had a few nice dolphin visits. You can hear Dean whistle in the background on this one.
Really great in the gulfstream, adding up to 2.5 knots of speed at times.
Charm was the fastest of the three boats, so we did hang back a bit with some sloppy sail trim to keep the same pace as our buddy boats - but it was nice to have the company so we did not mind. It also kept our wave surfing speed lower, so a bit more comfortable of a ride at times to go slower. We still made great time, averaging over 7.4 knots for the entire trip.
Had to clean off a few flying fish from the boat and inside the dingy in the mornings.
Poor little fish, trying to avoid a predator, and ended up in our cockpit. Did not see until the morning, and then the fish was quite dead.
Coming into Georgetown harbor
Georgetown is a cute little town, so we took some time to explore, and walk the streets. Breathe joined us, and we had a good day.
Had to put this photo in. We drug our son Derek through the Caribbean, and each island always had some old cannon. He got tired of looking at cannons. Now each time we see an old cannon, we think of our son and smile.
Nice clocktower in downtown, that still chimes
Well restored old buildings, with nice cafe's
Georgetown has many well kept up older homes
Always something interesting to see, beautiful gate here.
Nice fountain in waterfront walking path
We walked by a couple of old nice churches, one was open, and we were invited to visit by a church member doing some reconstruction on a statue insides, and on the second church, the priest was just opening and invited us in. Gave us a nice tour and history of the church.
Inside first church. Nice ceiling architecture. Unfortunately, on this church the bishop sold off some of the original wood, and pews when the church was "updated" in the 70's.
Stained glass windows brought over from Germany
Second church had more original features kept, like the organ
Also had pew boxes - which had a lot of carved into the wood graffiti, some of it quite interesting, like one person complaining that the frost took three of his hens.
We stopped at a café for lunch, and to our surprise, got a text from our friends Ed and Cathy of What If. They were in a car driving by, and saw we were in Georgetown, so stopped for a visit at the café. Great to see them.
Left to right - Jason and Monica of Breathe, Kris and Dean of Charm, Cathy and Ed of What If
Kris enjoyed the humor of the sign on this bowl set out for dogs in Georgetown. It reads "Water for your dog, or short people with low standards - we don't judge"
Next two days we motored north on the ICW, as offshore winds were not favorable for us. Then a short offshore hop up to Carolina Beach.
Pretty section of ICW near first night anchorage
Had to have a couple bridges open for us. Pretty little swing bridge
The further north, the more populated along the ICW
Getting into the expensive area in Myrtle Beach
Had a few go fast boats passing us
Breathe sailing along on a very calm offshore day
Now anchored in Carolina Beach, NC. Will head in this morning for some famous donuts at a local shop here. - Life is rough 😁
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