We had a good sail down the coast. Wind mostly from directly aft, which is a great ride for a catamaran. Winds were 15 knots to start - so wing on wing, and then when then winds lightened, we flew our spinnaker most the night. Early morning had a shackle failure, so back on wing on wing, so a little slower, but it all worked out well.
Had some dolphins visit on the trip, which is always great.
We pulled into Fernandina Beach for a day and a half, and then headed south to the St. Augustine area find a protected anchorage for the next few days.
It looks like the weather report for St. Augustine FL is going to be wet and windy for the next couple of days. The area has a small craft advisory and flooding warnings out. Hard to read, but about 5" of rain in the next 24 hours, and winds up to 25 knots, with locally higher gusts expected. YUCK.

We saw the forecast and yesterday moved to an anchorage (red spot) we hoped would be better than the one we had at Fernandina Beach. There are 5 other boats in this area thinking the same thing, will let you know on Sunday if we made a good decision or not :) (we are at the red dot)
Break out the movies and inside project list.