Tropical Storm Henri was a no issue for us. We moved anchorages to get maximum protection for the strongest winds, but knew we would be exposed to waves and swell from 15 knots winds for a night. We endured a bouncy night, and the next morning, when the winds were going to be bad - well it did not happen. Henri moved the opposite direction of projected, so we did not have any issues. Just a lot of rain.
Henri's Projected path. |
So we sat on the boat for a couple of days, with non damaging wind, comfortable seas, and lots of rain. Our water tanks were filled to the top.
After Henri left, we headed up to LLoyd Harbor/Huntington to pick up our sling seat. We were getting it remade - and Dean was missing it, as it is his favorite perch on the boat.
No Sling Seat |
New Seat Installed |
After the seat pickup, we headed over to Bridgeport, as it was time to indulge in Super Duper Weenine, and our friend John had been kind enough again to allow us to ship items to his house. We met John for Super Duper and had a good lunch.
Super Duper |
Its not a large or fancy place |
Dean ate at Super Duper frequently when working in Fairfield, so it was nice to revisit, and to have lunch with friends. He had to get a shirt as well.
We are currently on a floating dock at the Fayeweather Yacht club in Black Rock. It is ony $2/foot, which is really cheap for the New England area. There is no power or water, but giving us a dock to use is nice, as we had work to do on our anchor chain, putting in a new joint link, and painting out dimensions so it is easy to tell how much chain we have out.
25' increments in yellow, 50' in orange, and 100' in white |
We also have been enjoying the wildlife. The swans have obviously been fed, and are not shy about begging for food.
Lucky we had some bread on board. |
In addition, we were surprised to see this buck strolling along the shore eating grass. On the other side of the trees, is a old dump site, now a greenspace, with a large solar farm.
We are where the orange "g" is. |
We also were lucky to be able to visit with some friends we had not seen since around 2012, and had a nice dinner out with Mark and Laurie. Our son Derek was good friends with their boys when we lived in Connecticut. Had a good night, with good pizza.
Fall officially starts on September 22, but meteorological fall is September 1. Meteorological seasons are based on temperature and calendar. This morning it is 68 degrees out, with a high of 74. Next 10 days there is only two days above 80 projected. That might sound ideal to most of you, but keep in mind on the water is generally 5 to 10 degrees colder. Add a wind, and BRRRR.
So for us, it is time to head south, so we will start by heading west on Long Island Sound, and prep and wait for a weather window to head south to Cape May, NJ, then up the Delaware and plan on spending September in the Cheasapeake.