After Annapolis, we made a short jump to Rock Hall, MD, where we stayed for 3 days. 2 days were cloudy and rainy, but we got to use our raincatcher, which worked well. We got around 50 gallons of water in the tank. About 1/2" of rainfall.
On the last day, the sun came out enough, we walked to town. We found a used marine store, and got a bag for our dinghy seat, that will help to keep the dinghy organized. Used and slightly faded and worn, but only $16.
We moved from Rock Hall up to Chesapeake City, Had a nice downwind sail for 42 miles. We worked on our sun shades, and they are now complete.
Walked to town for lunch. You never know what you will see when you walk to town. This guys yard looked like a cross between a junkyard and museum.
Ate at JoJo's Diner. About a mile walk in. Quite the selection of hotdogs. Got so busy eating, forgot to take a picture of the hot dog, Hot dog not as good as Super Duper Weenine, but passable. Of course, across the street from the diner was an appealing sign we could not resist.
Ice cream is always good.

Charm anchored in at Chesapeake City.
We left Chesapeake City early in the morning, as the run to Cape May, New Jersey, our next planned stop is 61 miles. We wanted to sail, and the wind was predicted to fill in nicely around 11:00. Also the current due to tide in the Delaware Bay is strong, and we wanted it to be in our favor.

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