1) decided we were going to go cruising2) decided on the type of boat we wanted, shopped for the boat, buy it3) sell the house4) minimize the amount of stuff you have so it will fit on the boat5) fix/repair anything that is needed on the boat6) load the boat up and go sail
So far we have done 1 and 2. As of today #3 is active and the house is listed on the MLS for sale. We were thinking that in Jan/Feb 2021 would be the ideal time to do items 3 and 4 on our list, but with COVID 19 and the election coming up, we started thinking maybe it would be smarter to sell sooner. Currently the housing market in Boise is hot and the houses in our neighborhood are selling with in a week. Hopefully it goes fast for lots and lots of money to help fund the cruising kitty.