Sunday, February 25, 2024

2024-02-25 Moving on to St. Thomas

We stayed at Ensenada Honda in Culebra for a few days, as it was a three day holiday weekend, so we did not want to head out until the end of the weekend.

We went out for a nice dinner at Zaco's Tacos again, and walked up to a grocery store further away for the exercise and to check it out.

We like the artwork at Zaco's Tacos - food is good as well

Nice container home we saw on our walk

Stopped and got groceries, but could not resist the ice cream.   Yes, it was before 10:00 a.m., but ice cream is good anytime

On Tuesday we headed back out to Bahia de Almodover, as we wanted to make water, and needed to get a little power as well, so motoring out would do both.

Leaving the anchorage in Culebra Ensenada Honda

After a night in Bahia de Almodover, with water made and laundry done, we headed to St. Thomas.   The winds were NW, which does not happen often, so we decided to head over as we could sail the 20 miles.  Winds up to 15 knots, with some rain were forecast.  What we got was different.  The winds were NW - but saw up to 28 knots, and heavy rain.

Heavy rain knocked down the seas a bit. - But visibility went down to about 1/4 mile

Enduring the rain being blown in

Skies started clearing as we approached the channel on the SW side of  St. Thomas

Calm seas and a bit more clearing skies approaching anchorage

Quite the change as we dropped anchor.  Only 1 cruise ship at the dock, and anchorage not too crowded

St. Thomas has quite the different feel from Puerto Rico.  And catamarans definitely outnumber mono hulls here.  This island is definitely more touristy, and louder.

Next day we went for a nice long walk along the waterfront, down to Ace hardware - as we were looking for a new showerhead (Did not find one).

Passed this large graveyard on the main road.  Nothing buried, all above ground, and stacked.  

We also had lunch out, and then walked through some of the cruise ship shopping area - since no ships were in, and it was empty of people.
Nice courtyard and restaurant

When cruise ships are in, this area is packed with people

We heard lots of sirens that afternoon on the boat - and saw a large fire on the hill.   So sad, someone lost their house.  No one was hurt but the structure was a complete loss
Lots of black smoke on the hill

Such a steep hill.  Firefighters we parked above and below the home, and we could see the flames - at least 10' high.

Next day, we decided to head in and get some groceries, and look at the Home Depot for a showerhead.  
St. Thomas is a small island, but lots of shopping here.   The Home Depot was further away, so we took the bus there.  These "busses" are only $1 or $2 per rider depending on how far you go.  You wave them down, hop on and pay when you get off.  Basically a truck with modified back with bench seating.

Our safari bus had some McDonalds sponsorship, but they are all different

We got a new showerhead, and then stopped at the Cost.U.Less store for some groceries and then back to boat.  The Cost.U.Less is a large grocery which is a cross between Costco and a large normal grocery.  Great store.  We will make a couple more trips before we leave.

Our son Derek arrives Tuesday, so we are excited to see him and will stay here until he arrives, and then head out for some fun times.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

2024-02-18 A nice week in an beautiful anchorage

We decided to leave Ensenada Honda in Culebra on Monday - we wanted to make water, and Dean wanted to clean the bottom of the boat, so we motored the 4.5 miles over to Bahia de Almodover.

There were a couple of other sailboats there, but the water was clean, and it has a beautiful view, as it is protected from the Caribbean sea by a reef, so you are anchored and looking out at the sea, with land behind you.

The view from the boat

I worked on finishing the salon cushions and thank goodness, got the backrests done before running out of thread.  

Cushions - done for now.

Learned a lot on this project, and still want to redo one cushion and sew a bolster backrest for the long one, but the cushions are comfortable, and will stay cleaner than the old ones - so a success.

Dean got in the water and scrubbed the bottom.  He had some friends help him out.

These little fish hiding in the small gap between the hull and top of the rudder - about a 1.5" gap

We have got a lot of growth on the hull, we cleaned it a month ago, but this 83 degree water and lots of sun makes the stuff grow fast.

Dean's fishy friends were not scared and swam right up to him.

With the bottom clean and the cushions done for now, we decided to do some fun stuff, and headed over to the island of Culebrita to do some snorkeling.  We had heard that the NW corner had some good reefs, so took the dink the 2 miles over to check it out.   Unfortunately, there was a lot of reef damage from the hurricanes.

Large reef, but lots of white and dead

Some good signs of growth and recovery

Lots of this undamaged fire coral, which is more resilient to hurricanes and bleaching than other corals

The island of Culebrita is quite pretty, but we did not choose to hike to the top this time.

Pretty beach on Culebrita, looking towards Culebra

Kris went for a nice kayak trip around the anchorage and into the mangroves near land.   There were hundreds of upside down jellyfish in the mangroves

They may look like weird plants, but these are upside down jellyfish

They were so thick in some spots they completely covered the bottom

We had the anchorage mostly to ourselves for the week, with two days of being completely alone - but it could not last.  On Friday, 7 powerboats came in and anchored.  They were not loud, but were a bit close to us.  On Saturday morning, more started coming, and we realized we were in the prime spot for the locals weekend getaway, and it was a three day holiday weekend.

Three boats rafted up in front of us.

We decided it was time to move again so Saturday we headed back to the large anchorage of Culebra - Ensenada Honda.    Shortly after lunch we got a text message from our friends Ed and Cathy on What If- who are currently in the Bahamas.  They said to look towards land - their son and family had rented a house for the weekend to get away and were nearby.   Turns out we were quite close, so we launched the dink, and went to say hello.

Ed and Cathy's son with his wife and children - and us.

We had a good but short visit with them - as they are on holiday weekend, and had lots of activities planned, we did not want to slow them up.

We will stay here a couple of days - and then look for the next place to go. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

2024-02-11 A week in Culebra

We left Fajardo on Sunday, as winds were predicted to build out of the south, and we wanted a better anchorage - plus we were done with Fajardo.  We sailed the 23 miles east in light winds, with lots of tacking, finally having to turn on the engine the last two hours to make it in before dark.   

The anchorage in Culebra Ensenada Honda is very large, and well protected.   Monday we headed into town to stop at the post office.  We had used our spare water pump a while back, and wanted to keep a spare on board, so stopped at the post office to make sure they would accept general delivery shipments.  Smallest post office we have ever been in, but very nice people, and yes, they would do general delivery.  We walked around the area a bit while waiting for the post office to open.

Street post office is on.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2024-02-03 Vieques, and Fajardo

Our plans changed due to a southerly swell so we did not go to our planned stop on Vieques, but went to the town anchorage of Esperanza.

Looking at town from the boat.