We thought we were done with our work on Breathe, as everything seemed to be working fine - until it wasn't. Spent some time on Monday trying to diagnose an issue with the Charger - finally determined that the new Inverter/Charger was bad. Bummer.
Nice sunrise from the dock (sorry about the finger in the photo) |
We decided to go ahead and put our washing machine back in the cabinet, and run it till it died completely, as we found out the bearings that are squealing are not replaceable. So we stuck it back in the cabinet and ran a load of clothes - and surprise - it did not squeal and ran fine. Maybe all the Boeshield we sprayed in the bearing area will work. (12:31pm update - spoke too soon, the GFCI breaker keeps popping and the squeal is back :) )
We left the dock on Tuesday. We had ordered Starlink for the boat a week ago, and expected it to arrive before we left - but it had not - so we needed to stay in the area until it did . and since it was going to be a chilly week coming up, we decided to move to another dock - our friends on Sojourn are super nice and let us stay at their dock. Breathe left as well, but headed south, as they need to get south sooner than us for scheduling commitments.
Breathe heading out early in the morning. |
We had a nice sail to Sojourn's dock, and later in the evening went out to dinner with Duane and Karen off Sojourn, Ed and Cathy off What If, and Jerry and Donna off BlueJacket. Local restaurant Silo's has a BOGO night for pizza. It was quite yummy.
Charm docked next to Sojourn |
Next day, we headed to Bridgeton Boat Works, where our friends on What If, had their boat hauled for biennial bottom work. Ed had been working on fixing a small oil leak on the engine, which was just a small o-ring - but as it goes with engines and boats - its never easy. A small spring that controls the throttle had to be removed and reinstalled, and of course the spring only accessible through a small hole that you could only get two fingers in (if you have small fingers). We volunteered to help, as Kris's smaller size makes some jobs very much easier for her to do - than a normal sized man. Kris and Ed worked for about an hour, but together got everything back together. Dean helped Cathy outside stripping old wax off the boat.
Ed, Kris and Cathy by What If |
After Dean ran out of stripper, and Cathy went to buy more, we helped Ed sand and get the props ready to paint.
Dean working on sanding props and hubs. |
Ed and Cathy are really nice folks, so we were happy to help out for the day.
While What If is hauled out, Ed and Cathy stay in their trailer on Sojourn's lot by the water. Very pretty area. |
Next day was rainy, so we just relaxed on the boat, doing some small odd projects inside. Ed and Cathy brought BBQ over and Sojourn, What If, and us had a nice BBQ dinner on the boat.
With the rain gone, and the sun out the next day was project day. Sojourn loaned us their dinghy trailer and helped to pull our dink out of the water so Kris could start making new dinghy chaps. Dean got busy buffing and waxing the topsides.
Dinghy on trailer, and Kris making patterns
Back to boat to cut material. |
The only negative about Sojourn's lot is the mosquitos - they can get quite thick at times. Really don't have them out at the boat, but when you get to end of the dock, where land starts you need protection.
Kept the mosquito spray at the bench at the end of the dock - it was a must use for being on land. |
We will be here most the week, as still waiting on our Starlink, which should arrive Monday or Tuesday, but it is a chilly week, and we would like to finish the dinghy chaps while we have the dink out of the water.