Sunday, October 13, 2024

2024-10-12 A week on the hard, and hard work

We did not have much excitement this week, just working on the boat.   

Kris finished all the engine work, so that is one item checked  off the list.  Our list is short, only about 26 items left to do.  Some are almost done - like bottom painting, but until it is 100% done, it stays on the list.

Each day we do a bit more.  Every day the humidity is high, and we sweat a lot.   

A big project was raising the waterline.   We did not need to, as we float higher than the current bottom paint line, but not by much, and with wave splashing, the boat was always dirty looking on the decorative vinyl striping that runs at the waterline.   In addition, the waterline was not level with how the boat floated, being higher in the bow and stern, and low in the middle.   So we tried to correct the uneven waterline, and raise the middle up 2 inches.    We won't know if we did a good job or not until we are floating again.

Part of raising the waterline is first marking it with tape.  We did several measurements while the boat was in the water, so used those, plus a laser level, to get the best line we could.   Then we had to sand the gel coat and apply the epoxy barrier coat, and then finally could put on the bottom paint.

Dean sanding the gel coat up to the line marked out by blue tape.  The electric sander died at 10%, so the rest was hand sanded 😖

Barrier coat done, now the bottom paint

Bottom is painted (except the bottom of the keel)

Once the bottom paint was on, then it was time to add the decorative striping.  It serves two purposes.  One is to make an easy to clean surface near the water.  The vinyl striping is easier to clean than the gel coat.  It also dresses up the boat a bit.

Kris working on putting on the blue vinyl striping.

After the 3" blue stripe is on, we were going to add a 1" green stripe that matched our sail covers, but the green was a bit too close in color to the blue, and we felt that from a distance would not really stand out, so we decided to add a somewhat white/gray stripe, as we had mistakenly ordered an extra roll of reflective tape, and decided to use it.   So now we have a reflective stripe at the water line, and will also add one on the rub rail, like we had before.

3" blue stripe, with 1" reflective white stripe - hope it looks OK.

Kris has been working on painting our props and hubs, getting them ready to go on.  We use a cold galvanizing paint that we have had good luck with.

Another project was to replace some above water thru hulls.   We had 15 above water thru hulls we removed before we left to visit back in the states.   It took almost a full day to put new ones in.  Each hole was cleaned, and then lots of sealant applied to ensure they were leakproof.  Dean was inside with the nut, and Kris was the sealant gooper outside.  Then all the hoses had to be put back on.  

New thru hulls 

Dean working on connecting the hoses back up.

There is a nice wood working shop here.  Love walking by it, such pretty wood waiting to be made into stuff for boats.   Dean had a great idea, we had one shelf fiddle rail bracket that had broken.  Dean suggested taking an unbroken one over, and see if we could get them to make a new one.   I walked over early in the morning, and they said they could make one.  It would be done in an hour.   Did not make it back until lunchtime, and they had completed it.   Asked the price, and they suggested a couple of beers.   
Off to the store, and bought 3 beers and 3 small bags of chips for the guys.  They were super happy, and we were super happy.  Custom piece of teak, made in one hour, and cost us less than $12 USD.

New shelf fiddle bracket on left, old on right.  Need to varathane it, but it looks great.

We did have a nice break on Friday, we took the bus to get groceries with Peter and Iris from IP, which is right next to us.  It is a Lagoon 42 catamaran.  They are a nice Swiss couple.  Had a good bus ride to the grocery store, and on the way back, a new experience.  In Trinidad to have Maxi taxi's, which are vans, with a yellow stripe, that run on a non-existent schedule, but frequently, and are about $7 TT per ride per person (about $1 USD).  Then there is the large normal bus, which is only $2 TT, but runs infrequently, but on schedule.  Then there are the honkers.  At least that is our name for them.  These are people just earning a bit of money, that when they see you walking or waiting for a bus, will honk, and if you wave them down, will pull over and give you a ride.  They charge a bit more than the Maxi taxi, but fewer stops.   

We took a honker back from the grocery store with all our stuff, and Peter and Iris's items in the trunk, and had a pleasant ride for only $10 TT each. (About $1.50 USD)  Our driver was a nice young man, who is a police officer.  He was off duty, but heading to work, so made some extra money giving us a ride.

It is interesting to compare our boat, to IP (Lagoon 42).  Even though they are the same length, the Lagoon looks soooo much larger.

IP on the left, and Charm on the right

So basically a week of long hot days and work - but that is boatyard life.  Look forward to the nice hot shower at the end of the day - except there is no hot water, so nice long cold shower - but not that cold, as the water is outside temperature - or slightly cooler, so mid 80s.

The shower/toilet facilities are pretty nice, and cleaned every day.

The shower/washrooms are not air-conditioned, and have funky swinging doors for the entrance, but clean and in decent shape.

Oh, and good news, looks like our poor plant is making a recovery.

Some new leaves sprouting.

Probably another week in the yard, have some more things to do.  Dean is going to wax the entire boat, the sail drives need painted, we have some rusty areas to work on, the props to put on, and Kris wants to paint some on the boom.  We still need to make some more grocery runs to fully provision the boat, as groceries are cheaper here than the rest of the Caribbean.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

024-10-6 End of a good visit - back to Trinidad and home on the hard

We spent a couple more days with Derek in Boise.   Worked on finishing up some small items, like kitchen molding, installing his new projector and screen in the "movie room", and other small items.

A last visit with Deans mom, and a quick visit with his brother, and our visit was at an end.   

Dean made a batch of cinnamon rolls before we left, for Derek to remember us by.

We also made a trip to Costco, as we had to pick up some needed boat supplies.

5 blocks of Tillamook cheese - Derek not keeping them, just helping to show them.

We left at 8:00 a.m. from Boise on Wednesday morning.  Short flight to LAX, that got in late, but luckily the next plane was parked two gates away.   We got off our first flight, and walked directly onto the next one, no layover at all.  Luckily, our luggage made it as well.

The next flight from LAX to Houston, TX was more interesting, as Kris had the window seat, but the third passenger in our row came with a large bag, and a small dog in a carrier.   She did not put the large bag in the overhead, and sat in the middle with bag below - that would not fit under the seat, and dog in carrier on lap.

Kris asked if she would rather have the window seat for more room, but then we found out she spoke little to no English.  Kris's rudimentary Spanish came in handy.  We got her to the window seat, where she settled in and immediately took the dog out.  The flight attendant came by a bit later, and told her she could not keep the luggage, and the dog had to go in the crate.   Since she did not understand, Dean and I got out of our seats, and the flight attendant manually moved her bag and got her to understand the dog had to stay in the crate.  Once airborne, she took the dog back out, and kept it under a blanket any time a flight attendant walked by.  The dog was well-behaved, so no issues, but a bit humorous.

Dog was not an issue, well-behaved

Had time for a nice lunch in Houston.
Deep in the heart of Texas

Next flight was great, three seats, but only us two, so got to spread out a bit.  Landed in Trinidad at 11:30 at night.  We had brought back a full bag of boat parts and food, and declared it all.  Just under $1000.  No issues with customs, and no charge, but had to go from airport directly to the customs office in Chaguaramas due to boat parts.
We had pre-arranged a taxi, so Ian was there with his wife to pick us up.   We got to Chaguaramas customs around 1:00 a.m. and the Customs folks were quite slow to wake up from the back room and come out, but they did, and all was good.  No issues, paperwork done.  Back to boat around 2:00 a.m., and had to make up the bed before we could sleep.  Did a boat check and very happy, no mold or issues inside at all.  It was warm, though, and humid.

1:00 a.m. and it is 83 inside the boat with 90% humidity

The next morning, we got busy starting to clean the boat.  It was filthy on the outside.

You can see a bit of the before and after on our louvers.  Lots of black dirt

The boat cleaned up well.  The only issue is our poor plant, which we left outside in the shade, in an area we hoped would get a bit of rain.   Don't think it got any rain.
Looking a bit sad.  Hope it will come back.

We got our A/C unit installed around noon, so we were able to go in and cool off.  Dean started working on buffing and waxing topsides, and Kris helped a bit.   Stopped early for the day, as we were both tired, and went to the small local store and got some provisions to make dinner.   

Next day we headed into the town on the bus, and got more groceries and the major grocery store, then back to the boat.  Dean worked outside buffing the hull, sweating in the heat, and Kris started on the engine, which needed a new rear seal between the flywheel and engine.   Had to pull the engine forward a couple of feet to access it.  Luckily, was able to scrounge some old boards from the marina to support the engine to move it.
Kris down in the engine compartment.

The flywheel and casing are very heavy, so Dean had to assist with part of the work.

Kris has a bit more engine work - putting the starboard engine back together a bit more, and maintenance on the port engine.  Dean has been a buffing maniac - which is no small feat in the heat and humidity.  We have marked out a new higher waterline, so next is working on that, then bottom paint.  Should be another week in the yard, and then we will see how far along we are.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024-09-29 Another week at it.

We are still in Boise, still working on Derek's rental.   It is amazing sometimes how long doing all the little trim jobs can take.  Repeated trips to the Home Depot to get items.  We are trying to do the work as economically as possible, which also adds time.  

Derek had to fly out Monday to Louisiana, which is where his company office is.  He goes out once a year for a get-together.   So with Derek gone, Dean and I thought we would have a relaxing week, but that was not to be.

Huckleberry milkshakes for dinner - start to a relaxing week

The contractor showed up on Tuesday, to finish all his work - but was not expecting us to be moved in and thought we were just moving stuff to the garage.  Since the homeowner told us to move in, we did not feel we did anything wrong.   The contractor said he was hyper allergic to cats, so after dropping off some bath cabinets - he drove away - never to be seen again.   Good riddance.   That means several projects he was supposed to finish are not done.  We talked to the homeowner, and he was happy we were there to finish the jobs.  Just more work for us - but we don't mind - at least it will get done properly.

We unpacked the cabinets the contractor brought, only to find they were wrong, so a half day gone looking at alternate plans, and best recovery options.   Found a $20 used pedestal sink, and Dean installed that, so Derek's roommate could have a bath sink until new cabinets arrive.

The contractor said all the outlets and bathrooms were controlled on one bathroom GFCI - wrong, so Kris installed a new one in the kitchen.

The homeowner also brought over a new microwave, so Dean helped to install that as well

New microwave installed.

Derek has a bit of lawn to mow, so Dean scoured the used market, and found an electric mower in great shape, which we went and purchased.

Dean mowing the lawn with the new mower - it works great.

Kris finished up the pocket door.  Saving money means some things take longer - like recessing the pocket door latch into the door with a utility knife, instead of spending money on things like a router, or chisel set.  Took three times longer to do the job, but got in done, and saved some cash for Derek.

Kris cut all the molding and trim around the new pocket door with a hand saw miter box.  Since now, she has to do the kitchen baseboard which is taller, she put her foot down, and we borrowed a chop saw, so the next trim project will go quicker.

Weather has been nice, so eating lunch on the back patio has been a daily activity.  Derek's indoor cat Smokey as joined up, and enjoys prowling in the yard.

Lots of outdoor smells.

Kris spent a bit of time cleaning up and organizing the garage, so now Derek can park his car inside.  Dean and I both hate garages where no car can park inside.

Of course, we still have to get some fun time in.  We spent another afternoon with Dean's mom, running errands and having a nice lunch out.   Dean also helped out his brother move some items, as Dean's brother just sold their house, and are moving at the end of the month.   Too bad we will be gone by then, and not able to help.

Had dinner of Guido's New York style pizza one night.  Dean had fond memories of eating at Guidos when we lived in Boise.   Not everyone was a fan.
Guidos' pizza

We also worked on touch up paint needed in many areas, and helping fix the irrigation system, working on the leaky gutter, installing new outdoor lights and other small projects.   

Derek flew back late Thursday night, so then we had more work.   Derek really wants to do a lot of the work himself to learn, so that is great.  Once he was back we installed a video doorbell and security cameras, hung bath towel and toilet paper holders, installed a sink backsplash, installed a new kitchen sink and faucet, and hung paintings and curtains.

Also, more time with family, going out for a nice dinner with everyone.

Today will be kitchen baseboard molding, installing a ceiling projector and screen, and hopefully pulling new wire for an outdoor light.   That is the last of the big projects where two hands make easier work.   The rest of the projects, Derek can do in free time.

We fly out on Wednesday, so our time here is wrapping up.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

2024-09-22 Another week of work - Family get together.

We have had another week of work on Derek's rental.  Much slower pace this week.   

Mudding and taping drywall, and painting molding.   Can only do one coat, then back the next day for another coat, and repeat.

Derek and Kris stripping the old sealant from the shower

We have all the drywall done, and the molding painted, but waiting on the contractor to finish up, as he is supposed to be working in the bathroom as well.

Moved dishwasher from current house to new one.  Derek did a good job with parent supervision

We will just say it.  We have never had a worse experience with a contractor - nor seen such shoddy work.   To clarify, we have only hired two contractors in our experience remodeling 8 homes and 3 boats.  One to relocate the furnace, and one to do a lot of drywall work.   The drywall people were great - husband, wife team that only did jobs through word of mouth.  They were a bit odd, and we provided them a place to park their trailer, use our water, and fed them on occasion, but they did great work.

The furnace guy did not wire the furnace per code, so when we had our electrical work inspected, we pointed in out to the city inspector, and they had to come out and fix it.   

So limited experience with contractors, but a lot of experience with plumbing, electrical, drywall, painting, trim work, floor installation, etc., etc.    The contractor doing the work on Derek's rental does every job shoddy.  Layed new laminate floor over old vinyl, so floor is lumpy at transitions, and soft over the vinyl.  Paint streaks on doors and trim from putting white paint on brown doors, Kris is pretty sure he did some illegal wiring as well.

We talked to him about the flooring issue, as requested by the homeowner, and the contractor's story changed 4 times by our count.   Never seen someone sweat so much in a 60 degree temperature.  Pretty sure he was lying to our faces.

Anyway - somewhat of a frustrating week seeing the quality of work, and being able to do nothing about it without delaying the move in date, and causing the homeowner grief.  We might fix a few items once Derek moves in - time will tell.

Friday was a great day, and a bunch of Deans family all came to town for a belated birthday party for Deans Mom, who is now 90.  Great to see all the family.

Dean, Derek, Nita and Kris

Dean with his brother Lee, Lee's son Andrew and Dean's brother Terry


Saturday, we had an early breakfast with some of the family


Back to work on the duplex, as we needed to clean, install toilets, seal the shower, and hook up the Cat6 outlets for internet.   Busy day of work.

We are in Idaho, no surprise to see this personal vehicle.   Think the gun is for looks only

Sunday is move day, so another busy day, and poor Derek flies out on Monday for a work trip, and won't be back until Thursday - so he is hoping Kris puts his stuff away where he can find it. :)  Getting things moved into the new space, lots of moving and changing of the minds.

Needed a treat for all the moving, so went to a Dairy Queen.  Like their door handles.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

2024-09-15 More work on Derek's rental

This week has been mostly spent helping Derek do some remodeling on the new rental duplex.  His landlord (which is his roommates Dad), was agreeable to putting a pocket door between the bedroom and bathroom.   It was a open alcove with sink, and door to toilet and shower.   We took out the door between sink and toilet, and installed a pocket door between bedroom and sink.  

We think much nicer that you can close off the entire bathroom, versus always seeing the bathroom sink, and it gives more room in the toilet/shower area.

So we ripped out the framing, and part of the wall and got the pocket door frame installed on Monday, but then had to stop, as the contractors doing the rest of the house had priority for the work, so we only have evenings and weekends to work.

Working on pocket door installation

Kris painting the new door

Deans brother Lee came to the new rental, with his chainsaw, and kindly cut down the rest of the overgrown Arborvitae

Dean's brother Lee working on the stump
Derek working on some gutter maintenance, leak was dripping right in the walkway

During one of the trips to Home Depot for supplies, we had to haul a door, so Dean and Derek did that, while Kris took a walk in the very nice Nature preserve that Derek's rental backs up to.

Nature preserve with nice trails and ponds.

Of course we did have to take some time to enjoy ourselves as well.  Went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants

We still have lots of trim work to do, and more mudding and taping to finish the drywall. Then clean and reseal the shower, buy and install the new toilet, install new ceiling fan, and I think blinds and curtain rods as well.   Not too much, should not take more than a week, if we can get access to the rental in the evenings.   

We also spent a day with Dean's Mom, and took her on some errands, and stopped at the local home grown fruit stand for some yummy fruits.
Shopping at the fruit stand

It is getting to be fall here and the temperatures are dropping.   We have a small heater in our room, as the large minisplit that provides heat and A/C to our room is broken now, and not worth repairing.  
Expecting a high of only 60 on Tuesday - Kris is shivering just thinking of it.  

Weather for Boise Idaho for the coming week

As compared to Trinidad, where the high still feels like mid 90's most days.
Trinidad weather for the week.

Both Dean and Kris are losing their tans, now sunless for a whole month.  Kris most likely will be in long pants, and a jacket for the remainder of the visit.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

2024-09-08 Some more time in Bend, helping Derek fix up the new place

We spend a few more days in Bend.  Most the projects done, so played quite a few card games with Kris's folks, went for a few morning walks, and spent some time enjoying the weather and peacefulness of the back patio.    Kris and her Dad made a dump run as well.

Cute little bunny, we saw one on almost every morning walk

The view from the back patio

Getting the truck and trailer ready to make a run to the dump.

After Kris went to her parents annual doctors appointment on Thursday morning, we left and drove the 5.5 hours back to Boise.

Derek's new rental is being remodeled inside.  Derek wanted to get in while it was under remodel, and run Cat6 cable for his internet.  Being he works remote as a coder, the internet quality is very important to him, and he wanted to wire several rooms. 

In addition, the outside landscaping was quite overgrown, so he wanted to tear out all the old stuff, and start new.    We stupidly offered to help.

Overgrown arborvitae crowding the house, and weed taken over the walkway beds.

Dean tackled going on the roof to start cutting back the arborvitae, while Kris and Derek started on the ground pulling out old weeds and overgrown shrubs.

Kris and Derek working on cleaning out the courtyard planter

Arborvitae cut down a bit, and sidewalk beds cleaned out ready for planting

We still have more work on the planter areas, but it is getting better.    Derek wanted to run his Cat6 lines, so Derek and Dean tackled that today, while Kris continued working outside.

Derek getting ready to go in the attic to run cable.

The attic turned out to be too tight to crawl to the areas he needed to access, so change of plans, and Derek headed under the house, while Dean cut holes in drywall and used a flexible drill extender to drill down.

Derek laying on his back in the crawl space under the house.  His old hard hat came in handy.

We have a few more days of work to do, and Derek is going to see if the landlord is OK with installing a pocket door to the bathroom, which we would do the labor on.
The landscape still needs work - maybe another three days on that before its ready to plant new stuff.

The interior remodel should be done in another week or so, and then we can help him move in.

Great view from the back yard of the new place.

All this hard work is really cutting into our napping and relaxing time, but we are still managing to squeeze in a bit.

Dean taking a short nap with Derek's cat Smokey.